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How about a few lead bulls plan 1 fresh water camping and fishing trip and one on the salt chuck this year?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:31 pm
by swedefish4life1
How about Wa lakes Plan a Ruffy Roid or another mayor camping and fishing trip early Spring?
Get it all dialed in and charge $10 bucks a head per group going and donate $7 bucks to a kids program and charity and $3 bucks to Mikes Wa lakes?:cheers:
Fresh water Columbia, lakes East???:cheers:

Then when Salmon kicks off do are own 2 or 3 day derby and show all we care for kids, fish and passions and getting it done ?

We could get great video, pictures and more and local coverage as well.

Camping, fishing= family times and get as many kids who don't get a chance a chance?:compress:
We would just need 2 spots and locations and times and dates?

BBQ will be turning and put some newbies on fish for fish and done through Wa
Tight Lines fish On!:chef: :bounce: :-$

RE:How about a few lead bulls plan 1 fresh water camping and fishing trip and one on the salt chuck this year?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:19 pm
by Anyfish
smack Yea! Good idea swede and yes for the kids and the charity, Lots of great ideas come from this site with so many chiming in with all kinds of info and willingness to help !!!!!! I for one am totally appreciative of everyone's contribution to the site, strong way!

Ok, now with so many GREAT ideas coming from WL, I wonder if this is one that Mike refers to the committee? what committee? Is Mike the committee? Is Mike to busy to be the committee? Are we the committee? Whose the committee? :-k I'm just a short time member here but can see this site growing leaps with new memberships, premier members, etc.

Swede. you got a great idea and I for one would like to think I can make the time to attend and be part of it. Who's the organizing committe to take on something like this and make it a BIG deal for the members, the kids, the BBQ, camp and fish? I like the idea of a fee and charity. Maybe there's a raffle also and heck, why not the swede :rambo: sittin behind a table, signing autographs and giving FREE advise! LOL

It's a GREAT idea for WL and it's members! :thumleft:

next :salut:

RE:How about a few lead bulls plan 1 fresh water camping and fishing trip and one on the salt chuck this year?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:12 pm
by swedefish4life1
Mike I am calling you out:compress: lets get this project to Showtime:-$
We need some dates and locations I will do all I can to put this together and supply Loomis, Lamai Rods and terminal gear and baits and pull the Warrior she will fish 5 without a problem.
I have several others who would help and bring tubs and my thinking we can market the Filming, fishing and have a raffle or 10:cheers: DVD's
Based off how to get it done, seminar, family BBQ's and I have a Group of Kids that would want in on this as well.

Get some kids, Elders, wifes hooked up and have a Great family BBQ and bash market it and push it= (Wa Lakes supports progressive fishing and family time) with a tad of Bonics:colors: :eye:

I think a Spring showdown East and then a Killer 2 day tourney in the Salt Puget Sound when the Summer Salmon show right out front and I will dontate a custom Rod and get some tee shirts and sponsorship Rocking if we can get some times dates and locations to do this.
Mike lets get this project a reality for Wa Lakes, kids and families for fish about fish done right:cheers:
E-mail me if this project will come and be more then words I am in and would do all I can to make this game time