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Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:22 am
by Alfredosauce
I'm sorry incoming rant.

I don't understand certain Cultures that have absolutely no respect or courtesy for other people while fishing. For example this morning when i am fishing on the dock at Battleground lake and the dock is pretty much full. and a group of people come down and squeeze in anywhere they can!!!!:shaking2: :shaking2: Ultimately causing snags and crossing lines every other cast. it ruins the day! it seems it happens more and more frequently, so what im wondering is what do you all do when this happens to you I just want to tell them to F off. but i guess it is public facility. i dont know im just really pissed about it and when it happens it ruins my day.

Any ways thanks for listening and any input you have on the situation.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:35 am
by Aaron
You have to stake a claim so to speak... chairs, gear, cooler, pole(s)... spread it out and make the space yours. Thats what I do. I usually try to take up about 4-5 feet on each side of me. When I take my kids we try to use 4-5 feet each which gives us some breathing room.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:46 am
by Dave
Your experience is not uncommon. I have found that in today’s world more and more people just don’t give a you know what about anyone but themselves. I see this behavior at work daily. Neighbors not getting along, road rage, disturbances in public places, and property crime and theft is happening like never before. Although I would love to tell some of these folks what I am thinking, I know the risk is far too great. As I have said before in other posts; you never know who you are dealing with. Anyone can be armed and or mentally unstable which increases the likelihood of being assaulted if the decision to confront is made. My comment here is based on extensive experience dealing with the public on a police level. Things have changed dramatically over the years for sure so confronting someone is not the best idea as tempting as it may be. Obviously all bets are off of someone hurts a family member but short of that extreme, it’s not worth it. Just my opinion.

I think if a person fishes on a public pier or lake shore, they are more likely to encounter someone who rubs them the wrong way. Ultimately many don’t have boats and are forced to fish from a dock or shoreline. If you have a chance to acquire a small lake boat, you would be less likely in my opinion to encounter these jerks, although they do exist out on the water, it seems they are encountered less frequently. This can be especially bad during the first few weeks of the lake opener in my experience. I am fortunate to have a couple boats so I experience inconsiderate people on the water much less frequently. I also don’t fish lakes when they are crowded because I have a low tolerance for inconsiderate people. So if the dock is full, I don't join them. I believe a used 12’ aluminum that isn’t a Lund, Smokercraft, or other big name, can be found for sale in the paper or on line for around 4 to 6 hundred bucks, well worth the money.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:11 pm
by big fish lite line
one of my pet peeves is when people throw a dog toy across the lake not 20ft from you and then still have the courage to say "Hi any luck"
I try not to fish were its hard to find a spot. it tends to ruin the excitement.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:54 pm
by Alfredosauce
big fish lite line wrote:I try not to fish were its hard to find a spot. it tends to ruin the excitement.
Thats the thing is its not hard to find a spot, which is why its even more annoying when it happens.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:51 pm
by big fish lite line
maybe there just purposefully trying to be flaming @$$ holes

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:29 pm
by Rich McVey
big fish lite line wrote:one of my pet peeves is when people throw a dog toy across the lake not 20ft from you and then still have the courage to say "Hi any luck"
I had this happen once. Told them "No, fishing is down due to people throwing toys for their dog into the water... WHILE I was petting their dog. It gave me to toy to throw... and I did... as far as I could in the opposite direction of the lake. Dude was a bit P.O.'d. I asked him if he wanted any hooks in his dog... of course he said no, then I asked him why then would he purposfully send his dog into such an area. Told him I cared to much for my dog to do that to him and said how dissapointed I was to see a uncaring dog owner. Thought he was gonna cry by the time I got done.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:44 pm
by Riverfisher
Being a retired Law Enforcement Officer I agree 100% with Dave. Far too many times I have seen well intended confrontations deteriorate into uncontrolable situations with the outcome being entirely different than that intended.

Just last Wednesday I was fly fishing and wading on a local river. After fishing about twenty minutes & having C&R one small rainbow, three inflatable rafts with two people on each drifted around the bend. There were two adults and four teenagers. They actually passed on each side of me as I stood in the river causing me to hold my cast until they passed. They then beached their rafts abour 20 yards downstreem of where I was fishing, unloaded their rafts and set up a "camp". They fired up a loud CD player, and started chasing each other around. Two younger kids began throwing large rocks into the river abour 20 yards form me.

I just packed up my gear and left. As I walked away one of the adults, with beer in hand, asked how the fishing was. I just said " not very good" in a frienly manner and kept on walking. I found another spot on the river a mile or so down stream and had a good afternoon. There is no telling what kind of a day I would have experienced had I confronted the six of them without any "backup".

Someone once said "Discression is the better part of valor". (I don't know who it was but is't worth remembering)

Be safe out there and show respect for your fellow outdoorsman and the outdoors.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:11 pm
by kevinb
Welcome aboard Riverfisher

Dave nailed it.
In my younger years,I would have been more confrontational but those situations,I usually give these guys a few minutes to leave or I then move somewhere else. I may say something after awhile if my son is with me.Not looking for a fight but usually will tell them to watch the language and go smoke somewhere else.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 12:35 am
by Shad_Eating_Grin
big fish lite line wrote:one of my pet peeves is when people throw a dog toy across the lake not 20ft from you and then still have the courage to say "Hi any luck"
I try not to fish were its hard to find a spot. it tends to ruin the excitement.
What irks me the most out of these dog owners, is that they ABSOLUTELY have to throw their dog toy right where you are fishing, while there are hundreds of feet/yards of open shoreline further away.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:11 am
by Lotech Joe
Riverfisher wrote:Being a retired Law Enforcement Officer I agree 100% with Dave. Far too many times I have seen well intended confrontations deteriorate into uncontrolable situations with the outcome being entirely different than that intended.

Just last Wednesday I was fly fishing and wading on a local river. After fishing about twenty minutes & having C&R one small rainbow, three inflatable rafts with two people on each drifted around the bend. There were two adults and four teenagers. They actually passed on each side of me as I stood in the river causing me to hold my cast until they passed. They then beached their rafts abour 20 yards downstreem of where I was fishing, unloaded their rafts and set up a "camp". They fired up a loud CD player, and started chasing each other around. Two younger kids began throwing large rocks into the river abour 20 yards form me.

I just packed up my gear and left. As I walked away one of the adults, with beer in hand, asked how the fishing was. I just said " not very good" in a frienly manner and kept on walking. I found another spot on the river a mile or so down stream and had a good afternoon. There is no telling what kind of a day I would have experienced had I confronted the six of them without any "backup".

Someone once said "Discression is the better part of valor". (I don't know who it was but is't worth remembering)

Be safe out there and show respect for your fellow outdoorsman and the outdoors.
Well stated. Whether you have "backup" or not, it was very well said.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:48 am
by Trent Hale
Alfredosauce wrote:I'm sorry incoming rant.

I don't understand certain Cultures that have absolutely no respect or courtesy for other people while fishing. For example this morning when i am fishing on the dock at Battleground lake and the dock is pretty much full. and a group of people come down and squeeze in anywhere they can!!!!:shaking2: :shaking2: Ultimately causing snags and crossing lines every other cast. it ruins the day! it seems it happens more and more frequently, so what im wondering is what do you all do when this happens to you I just want to tell them to F off. but i guess it is public facility. i dont know im just really pissed about it and when it happens it ruins my day.

Any ways thanks for listening and any input you have on the situation.
Its easyer to just get a boat. And your fishing will be better all around.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:27 am
by fishnislife
Riverfisher wrote:
Someone once said "Discression is the better part of valor".
I like that.
Also, welcome to Riverfisher.
In these situations I like to just leave and let the idiots have their fun. When it comes down to it, there is really nothing you can say or do. People are people and if they don't know what to do or are missing proper etiquette, one of us getting pissed at them and giving them crap is not going to make them anymore understanding of what is pissing us off. I say be overly kind to them, offer up a great spot to fish and remind them to pick up after themselves and just leave. Come back another day and enjoy the water.


RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:47 am
by skeetrzx225
that was it in a nutshell fishnislife. I look at it like this YOU CANT FIX STUPID thats how i deal with i dont get mad i laugh why waste the time gettin upset they dont care but it pisses me off when people litter ive never understood that how hard is it to pack out your trash LAZZZZZZZZZZY!

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:09 am
by Bscman
Two things I've tried to do ever since noticing the ever-growing population of "holes" at my local lakes....

1. Get there early--right as daylight hits the water.
It seems todays generation doesn't like mornings. Get there early for great fishing, and to avoid the rush.

2. Get into hiking/fishing.
Alpine and backwoods lakes rarely have other fisherman. The ones they DO have are *typically* very respectful people, who cherish the experience just as much (or more) than the actual fishing.
The unfortunate part of high lakes, is that they are being frequented more and more by "granolas." The water conditions and fishing are almost always better than the more popular lowland lakes, too.

I avoid shore fishing on "free fishing weekend" and the opening couple weeks of the lowland lakes season.
The majority of the inconsiderate people are those who just don't fish often, and don't give a darn about anyone else. Stay away from the major events, and the major areas, and most of your problems will disappear.
At least, that's my experience.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:20 pm
by A9
Unfortunately I have had most these experiences with people who don't speak English. I'm not racist, but unfortunately my luck has it that i get a guy next to me who doesn't know much English so if I try to politely tell them to quit crowding me, it is pointless.

I just either deal with the crowded conditions or give them the space and move on. Those without much fishing etiquette are always the ones crowding people, being loud or leaving trash, and probably won't be changing their ways from me telling them to stop crowding people or stop littering. Move on//// I don't like letting little things ruin my day, so I just move on and find a new spot. People these days...

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:21 pm
by racfish
I can relate to this Sam.Its like Squidding down at the piers.Catch one squid on any slow day and there are 5-15 guys now fishing right next to you crowding you out.Big fish I hear you too.I fish on a dock near my house.There is over 100 miles of shore and this guy trains his dog right where I fish.It drives me nuts.
I usually will try to find a spot where I can basically set up shop with coolers chais and whatever I can to hold my ground.There are and always will be inconsiderate folks who fish .I guess you have to take the good with the bad.C'est La Vie as it is said.

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:02 pm
by ruthven78
I used to have bad luck with a certain boat tour company (no longer in business) who would race their jet boat about 30 feet from were my bait would be resting and all wave at me....I would, in kind, raise my right hand up and extend my middle finger....often to the puzzlement of the boaters....and then I would stand up, walk about 5 feet from the shoreline so that I wouldnt get splashed by the would be absolutely dead for the next half hour at least.

I would have no qualms asking people who were dog training "Do you mind? Im trying to fish here, your dog is scaring the fish."

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:10 am
by racfish
Boating isnt the answer either I'm sorry to say.I go to the same boat launch on Elliot alot.When I go out I like to take my time and launch properly.I'm a large guy that dosent move like the "Silver Surfer".I got fisherpeople yelling at me,flipping me off and it makes for a unenjoyable day on the water.If you want to rush everyone at the launch go an hour earlier.I wish everyone would be a lil more considerate all around.Fisherpeople and non fisher people.My favorite days are finding a empty shack on the lower Green,setting up camp w/a lil fire to keep warm.A bell on the end of a pole with a small bottle of Baileys with a thermos of coffee and a book.Thats Fishing!!!!!!!!!!!Hehehe

RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:42 am
by skeetrzx225
I was fishing in seward park of the shore not to long ago. it was a pretty low key day not to many people around. i hooked up a small lmb and out of nowhere i had at 20 people fishing all around me. there was people even on cell phones calling more people to show up. Me and my son decided to move these people followed me everywhere i went finally i gave up and left. its like an alarm went off. tons of bear shoreline all around the park. these people where flat out rude line over line and all that. if i saw someone hook up i wouldnt race over and take over there spot. this was insanely inconsiderate. theres plenty of water and fish for everyone. i also am convinced that theres alot of people who cant read too. NO FISHING ON THE BOAT LAUNCH ive almost gotten in to fist fights over people setting up camp on the launch and not wanting to move. i dont even ask anymore ijust start backing up. HERES YOU SIGN MOVE!!!!!!!!!!! THEN YOU GET THAT ALL FAMILIAR I JUST ATE A PIECE CRAP LOOK FROM THEM! I LOVE THAT.