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Jet Ski's

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:07 pm
by bad esox
I was wondering what people thought about jet ski's? Do you think they are a "menace" to those of us who are trying to fish? Do you think more regulations should be placed on them? (age, speed, time of use, etc...). I know last summer on many lakes that I "tried" to fish it was pure "craziness" while these guys were on the water. I can't imagine buying a cabin, or house, on a lake and having to put up with all that "stuff". I think a lot of the problem is that lakes are confined spaces. All these guys can do is go in circles at 60 plus m.p.h. How do you feel????
Don't get me wrong I love dirt biking, and riding my quad, but I think the big difference is I can go places and I am not as confined as a jet ski. To me jet skiing would be like riding on a moto-cross track all day...round and round you go...
Who regulates jet ski's? WDFW?

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:12 pm
by cole steffens
i agree i can think of countless times ive had a afternoon of fishing ruined by someone on a jetski really makes you appreciate lake with motor restriction.a jetski is a motor vechicle and should be treated like one (i.e. age restrictions speed limits and proper training) you can still have fun with them just dont ruin someones day

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:23 pm
by tcb
I have had lots of fun on them, I spent one entire summer jumping the wake of The Lady of the Lake on Chelan. For the most part it's lack of education, respect and maturity. I think education is a huge part of it, personally. If kid's parents teach them safety, safety, safety then they will practice safety, safety, safety. Why some people will spend hours teaching kids motorcycle safety, but not watercraft safety I will never know.

The Department of Licensing controls all watercraft licensing and regulations.

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:26 pm
by hewesfisher
Doesn't have to be a jet ski to ruin your day, water skiers and recerational boaters can be just as bad. We tend to plan our fishing trips before or after prime "play" time and that seems to help quite a bit. When I've had enough of the bozos, I head out to Chapman Lake, 5mph speed limit and no watersports. It's always an enjoyable trip and the scenery is nice too! o:)

As to who regulates watercraft, it's not WDFW, but the county sheriff's water patrol officers. There are 3, IIRC, in Spokane County and they have a lot of water to cover. I've complained about launch conditions at Silver Lake more than once, and won't hesitate to do so again. Water craft operators, including jet skis, must operate safely and respect others while on the water. There are speed limits that must be observed when operating within 100' of another water craft.

Most operators are respectful of this, but there are those who simply don't care, like the bozo that decided he didn't want to go around me while at Banks Lake Saturday. He had to go between me and the rock wall I was fishing along, less than 50' away. Had the whole d**n lake behind us, but no, he couldn't bother with that.[-x

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:45 pm
by A9
I think lakes should be huge for seadoos to go out at, that way, there is adequate space for fishermen and pleasure boaters alike...Like lake washington, seadoo's don't ruin your day of fishing cause there is so much space. BUt at some 200 acre lakes its damn annoying. I like lakes that have restrictions on motor boats. 11am to like 5 pm...Gives you the good hours for fishing and the boaters the sunny and hot temps in the middle of the day for their water sports..

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:32 am
by tcb
hewesfisher wrote: As to who regulates watercraft, it's not WDFW, but the county sheriff's water patrol officers. There are 3, IIRC, in Spokane County and they have a lot of water to cover. I've complained about launch conditions at Silver Lake more than once, and won't hesitate to do so again. Water craft operators, including jet skis, must operate safely and respect others while on the water. There are speed limits that must be observed when operating within 100' of another water craft. [-x
I agree with your comments, but the local Sheriff enforces, doesn't regulate. (Unless by regulate you mean enforce).


RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:33 am
by Easy Limits
All Thurston Cty. lakes have a 5 MPH speed limit until 11 AM. Some lakes don't even allow PWC's until May 15th.

If you are fishing a lake where there are troublesome PWC's, I have two words for you: Sling Shot

Disclaimer: I don't advocate or condone the use of sling shots against pesky PWC users.[-x

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:38 am
by gpc
It depends some of the jet ski riders (probally the ones who fish) can be curtious and stay away from the boats or only drive fast around the bigger boats. But then there are some that will zip past my 11.5ft boat about 10 yards away going about 50 and that really upsets me. Im not too into the extreme sort of sports so I cant realate to the fun that comes along with it but if it were up too me I would make those rules so strict people would rather swim. LOL

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:09 am
by Basshunter046
Well I gotta add that it's not just jet skiiers, boaters can get really rude also. I've had plenty of run ins both ways. While Bass fishing a shoreline at Lake Shasta in Cali. had a jet skiier run between me and the bank. What a fine howdoyou do there. Also in a 12 boat on CDA lake fishing for bluebacks had a 30' supersleeper boat run about 10 yards from me swamping my boat. Had half everything in the boat ruined.
For the point, with more and more people on the water there is definitly not enough law enforcement to cover it all. If the crusiers and jet skiiers would have the respect of the fisherman things would be great. Its not the boat or jet ski with the brain, it's the person driving it. :-k

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:21 am
by Basshunter046
Opps respect for the fishermen#-o

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:43 am
by dlt074
i had managed to block all the traumatic experiences with the unclean(non-fishing) masses... reading this thread and it's all bubbled back to the surface. :(

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:25 pm
by bad esox
*** dlt074 I am truly sorry. I too have witnessed many incidents of "rude" behavior when dealing with these "ski's" ,and also by some "tanked-up" power-boaters. Yes, I would have to go along with RESPECT and EDUCATION that would be great. The old saying "why can't we all get along?". Small waters/big problems?
What I believe to be some of the key differences between "ski's" and power-boaters/speed-boaters:
1). Age and maturity of the Operator.
2). The cost of a "ski" (much cheaper than a spd boat).
3). The way these things are marketed as always "bigger" and "faster"... how else can you have fun!!! I hear you guys... I think they should show these "ski's" blasting by a guy fishing getting his hat blown off, and then being pulled out of his boat because he's hooked a giant 2500 cc "ski" going 100 m.p.h. !!!... who knows maybe they would sell more!!!!
4). The big boats are more "family" oriented.
5). Because of the speed and power associated with the new "ski's" they can cover a lot of water quickly making it seem like they never simply go away. (Unless of course you try to hide from them in the stumps!!).
You all have brought up some excellent points on this topic. I want to thank you all for that.
One common thread I see here is that Anglers seem to be changing their behavior to accommodate this "ski" phenomenon. Many speak of changing destinations looking for peace and solitude. Some look for regulated lakes. Some fish at different times...(early morning/night fishing) remember you're only safe until they put head-lights on those things!!!:)
To any law abiding, respectful, jet-skier..., please let me apologize in advance. It is often times the few that ruin things for us all. Maybe in the future we will see regulations that will allow us all to use all lakes harmoniously.
A little respect and common courtesy can go along way in any walk of life.

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:56 am
by Marc Martyn
There are two things that turn my bikes and jetskis!

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:23 pm
by GJorgy
Clear Lake in Skagit county bans jet ski's on the lake. Makes for some nice days on the water. Big Lake is almost unfishable in the summer because of the jet skis and waterskiers. Night fishing is an option but I can't seem to stay out all night like I used to. There's a time and place for everything including jet skis but you need to have a big enough body of water so your activity doesn't adversly effect others and their recreation.

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:10 pm
by Rosann G
All right guys, I happen to think jet ski's are alot of fun when used respectfully. My husband hates them. I hate them when they are ridden by people that do not respect other people rights to calm water but then I don't like other boaters that don't respect other peoples right to calm water and that includes fishermen. Bass fishermen come to mind especially. I remember what it was like being in a 10 or 12 foot boat with little freeboard and having a boat or jetski go by too close. Everyone needs to have some manners and respect for other people when we're out on the water.

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 3:06 pm
by A9
I know many lakes that only allow 4 stroke seadoo's to cope with the noise...Doesn't help much with the bad driving stuff though

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 6:40 pm
by bigastrout
There are a few sounds that are as annoying to me as fingernails on a chalkboard. And jet skis make one of them.

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:59 pm
by bad esox
amen to that!!!! it is kind of like trying to listen to a symphony in the middle of a motocross race.:)

RE:Jet Ski's

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 5:03 pm
by muskie guy
I think it's time to get organized in our respective fishing clubs and ask for, or demand, some sollutions to the problem we are facing. Get together with your fishing buddies and get active in your local clubs, if this issue gets this many people hot here, then there are obviously far more people who are effeced. A unified voice is difficult for people to ignore. Tiger Musky, Bass, Walleye, Trout, Salmon, Carp, Catfish & Panfish anglers bring a substantial amount of money into this state's economy. We won't be brushed off if we all start making ourselves heard by the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife in the state.