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Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:33 pm
by fishinChristian
For those of you who remember, because it's been a while, "Jiggy" David Gerhauser has passed. They will pull life support Thursday, but there is no brain activity. I know a few of us have had the fun privilege of fishing with him, including Mike, so just letting people know, he's going after the crappie in Heaven after a long bout of diabetes related problems down here.

Re: Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:42 pm
by Amx

Re: Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:44 pm
by rappuhd
Always really enjoyed his posts!

Re: Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:39 am
by Mike Carey
I had the pleasure to fish with Jiggy once. Great guy. We had a fun day. He was a true sportsman and always very giving of himself to other anglers. He will be missed by many.

Here's my fond memory of that day:

Re: Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:29 pm
by hewesfisher
Sad news.

Re: Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:32 am
by nwtoolman
I was honored to fish with Jiggy once. He took to me some of his spots and using his plastics we got into some slab crappie. He will be missed, I am sure he is already landing slabs in some small ponds up there. RIP Jiggy

Re: Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:29 am
by Toni
Thank you for the news. While I never fished with him I followed him on Facebook. Sad news

Re: Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:59 am
by fishinChristian
What makes an ideal fishing partner, or best friend? A trillion variables, each differing by the needs and wants of the viewer, but I’ll describe the one that just got away, and went home. Someone with a sense of humor that complements your own. In any relationship, that will be a key ingredient, and for a fishing buddy it’s doubly important. Those hard times on the water, when you lose that huge fish, get tangled, make a horrible cast, when the boat may not make it to shore, you do the best you can, and then you laugh and joke about it for years to come. Shared laughter bonds people. I wish more marriages would learn this lesson.
Also, an intellect that is comparable to, exceeds, or at least is similar in attitude toward your own. For the humor to work, the other one needs to be able to get the joke. For both of you, the way the person’s mind works should ideally challenge yours, and vice versa. "Iron sharpens iron." The one who just went home could do that. We literally pretty much took turns finding the pattern, the answers, the new designs that would put so many fish in the boat. He spoke 5 languages and could make a friend instantly. I can build or design pretty much anything, and am much more reserved. We both had instincts about what to try next, both in fishing and in life. He had contacts everywhere. I understood psychology and health, and was able to help him in small ways. He was naturally vocal. I am not, but usually when I do speak, it has impact.
Similarity and differences in experience. Both of us have travelled. Me on my own, him in the army. One huge relief for both of us was the fact that we had both caught fish that no one else would believe were possible, sometimes together, and sometimes in the past. Not all were proven, but we came to know that we both did not need to embellish, the facts were enough, and there were proofs along the way, not required, but enough to verify the rest. Our childhoods were vastly different, but we had both seen the best and worst humanity has to offer. Both struggled with and conquered fear and rage, and achieved a strong measure of peace.
Faith. Faith is key in any meaningful relationship, whether friend or foe or in marriage. If your faith is at odds, you eventually will be as well. For me, if you are against Christ, you are against me. For him, it was similar, but he reached out more to help others understand. I reach out on a one to one basis to anyone who wants to understand, but he reached out to everyone. Being forgiven was the one thing both of us needed in our lives, and Christianity was how we found it.
Time. There are many who would make good friends, but simply do not have the time, energy, or inclination to do so. To be able to go fishing on a weekday when the weather is good, rather than planning ahead a month makes a big difference. Being able to talk or do things on short notice, planned ahead, or spontaneously is also a major factor in fun, and fun (or relief, as in counseling) is how any relationship cements itself.
Comfort with silence. Not having to be “on” all the time. Acceptance. Peace.
Caring. Being willing to help, or step back, or whatever is needed, without interfering.
Honesty. Sometimes gentle, sometimes even brutal, but you don’t let someone you care about walk off a cliff while looking at their phone, just to get a viral video.
With Jiggy/David, we shared all these things and more. I will miss him, for a while. He’ll be there when I go home, right behind Jesus and all my dogs. “We do not grieve as others…”
As I started this, I thought I’d hit a few things, then stop, but I see that the list is far too long to be able to either finish or end at any point, so the ending is arbitrary. I choose here.

Re: Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:57 pm
by Mike Carey
well said and no need to add more - but I will - Class Act and Integrity abounded. It was obvious the one time I was fortunate enough to fish with David.

Re: Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 3:02 pm
by Mike Carey
Oh, one more thing. We didn't catch any fish of great size that day, but it mattered not. We both shared a pleasant morning on the water bathed in God's creation. I'm guessing Jiggy was like that in life. He took what was given to him and was grateful and felt blessed. Even dealing with his afflictions he was never angry, always hopeful. At least, those are my strongest impressions from that day with him.

Re: Long time member Tje Jigmeister passes.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:00 pm
by Rocky
What can you say about Jiggy that wasn't said the good news is I will see him again heaven.