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E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:49 pm
by Amx

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:28 pm
hope the hunters go to jail

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:31 pm
by The Quadfather
That was almost a let down, It said they "Bagged the prowler" I thought the hunters actually had him held at gun point and maybe put him in some kind of deer bag, or whatever hunter types keep their game in.

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:08 am
by BentRod
The hunters will probably get charged with reckless endangerment for shooting at the car. [rolleyes]

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:42 am
by The Quadfather
and the prowler will win a civil suit, or get some part time jail time where he goes on to earn a college degree, and gains weight. :-$

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:49 am
by zen leecher aka Bill W
I support the hunters. It's enough of this protect the rights of criminals. My version is criminals give up their rights the moment they elect to break the law.

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:17 am
by curado
im with leecher on this one. it is BS that people get away with that stuff and maily get a slap on the wrist

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:01 pm
by MarkFromSea
'OL GREY DOG wrote:hope the hunters go to jail
I hope you are joking. I don't find it at all funny though. Just punishment would be to tie the SOB to the bumper of the car he broke the window out of and drive on down the road! Televise it so other dirt bags would know not to screw with sportsmen's vehicles.

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:30 pm
by papamike
MarkFromSea wrote:
'OL GREY DOG wrote:hope the hunters go to jail
I hope you are joking. I don't find it at all funny though. Just punishment would be to tie the SOB to the bumper of the car he broke the window out of and drive on down the road! Televise it so other dirt bags would know not to screw with sportsmen's vehicles.

hear hear!!!!!!!

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:17 am
blaahhhh blaaahhhh

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:05 am
by knotabassturd
LOL people knowing 'Ol Grey Dog know his angle I think.
I, too, was disappointed to just hear a window was shot out and the police had to track them down separately. Oh well, guess that's all the would-be thief managed to do too (break a window).

Maybe the hunters can claim a dove flew by right when the guy went driving by outta nowhere.:-" After all, they were hunting.
Just like the thief may claim he accidentally hit the window and shattered it although that would beg the question what that perp would be doing out in hunting grounds area if not hunting.

Does surprise me how stupid thieves are though to be targeting hunters' vehicles.#-o :bom:

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:00 am
by natetreat
I was hoping the hunters got him, but I'm glad they caught him.

Although I'd be wary of shooting at someone that is running away. A kid I went to school with lived downtown and had his rifle and hand gun inside. He always parked in front of his balcony. His alarm went off one night and saw two hoods busting up his window and jacking his stereo subs and amplifier. He ran out on the balcony and yelled at them to stop but they didn't. He shot one of the robbers and they died. They caught the other one who testified against him in court and he did four years in prison and the robber got probation.

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:10 pm
MarkFromSea wrote:
'OL GREY DOG wrote:hope the hunters go to jail
I hope you are joking. I don't find it at all funny though. Just punishment would be to tie the SOB to the bumper of the car he broke the window out of and drive on down the road! Televise it so other dirt bags would know not to screw with sportsmen's vehicles.


if the cop didnt take their guns away from someone who admited illegally discharging a weapon WITH THE INTENT OF DOING BODILY HARM over a property crime ??? and charge them with such !!!!????..

then it's a abomination !!! ... you cant have it both ways .. law is the law ...
anndddd if ya dont know the LEAGAL USE OF FORCE LAW then ya shouldnt even touch a 'edited' gun !!! ... and all this quack'n about the lame crap "you'd do" or "what they deserve" .. isnt helpful ... some idiot might read this BS !!!! and go out and do something stupid ... get someone hurt or killed ... ruin their life and probably a bunch more ... GROW UP if ya wanta play with big boy toys ... ya make the rest of us look bad !!!!! ..

and Mark ??? .. KIDDING ?? are you kidding ?... lets look at your little rant .. lets say Mark comes ashore to find a scum bag break'n his window and grab'n his <shrugs> GPS ... asaults/apprehends him .... then ties him to the bk of his rig and drags them down the road .... LORDY .... come on ... so assume'n you caught them .. and are hold'n on to them for "justice" ... then you've made some kind of citizens arrest ??? ... if you havent made this clear that that's what your do'n then it's pretty sketchy !!! ... thennn while IN YOUR CUSTODY .. YOUR PRISONER is tied to the bk of a truck and drug down the road ???? REALLLLYYY ???

ARE YOU KIDDING ME ???... it's like the post about ... "heard a noise outside stormed out the bk door with my 50 cal at the ready" ... or the one about .. " stupid bankie throws lead at my boat .. i'll pull out my gun and point it at 'em " ..... ignorant ... THERE I SAID IT !!! ...IGNORANT ...

Mark ... the crime i discribed ^ isnt even a felony !!! ... BUT WHAT YOU DID !!!!
... that perp/scumbag is going to own you !!! ... his lawyer is going to get you for EVERYTHING youve got ... and you'll spend the rest of your life send'n that scumbag a welfare check !!!!!!... you'll probably end up be'n a felon and lose a TON OF YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS !!!!

like i said ... some idiot's liable the read this and do something stupid ... there are lowlifes/scumbags/'edited'/and idiots everywhere ya look ..dont have to go to the woods or the boat ramp to get hit ... your not SAFE anywhere !!!... but a simple property crime DOES NOT justify the use of LETHAL FORCE ... and even using a weapon to apprehend a perp/scumbag for a property crime is AGAINNNN pretty sketchy... oh 'edited' i dont know !!... MAYBE it would be good ... buncha victims of car prowles shoot the the scumbags in the face .. perrrrfect !!! ....makes for less scumbags and a buncha idiots that got NO business have'n/use'n guns will loose 'em and be sit'n in jail !!!


edited by the mod: no more swearing on this web site, ever.

RE:E. Wenatchee hunters bag car prowling suspect

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:59 pm
by knotabassturd

Or should I call U 'Tipper Gore'?:clown: Gonna have little stickies on the bottom of our posts saying 'not intended for people owning guns and without brains or knowledge of firearms law' LOL.

You know as well as I do that there was a bird flyin' right across the horizon in line with the perp's car when that gun discharge 'incident' happened. Total accident. Just ask Dick Cheney about that.

I know I know you're using common sense here to make sure gun laws don't get any worse (which they probably will when these thieves start getting bird shot in them).

PS- why are political figures entering into my thinking while on a fishing board? SHEESH I gotta get out fishing more...#-o #-o