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Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:13 am
by AJ's Dad
I know it's early but the word on the wire is that Farmer_aa has caught his first pike of the year, so we better get the talley going. Although it seems a little like cheating, dangling dead bait through the ice, a pike is a pike so he gets to count it. :)
Here's to another great year of pike fishing for everyone.


Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:57 pm
by farmer_aa
1.3.15 Ice Pike 14 lb 4 oz web.jpg
Haha, cheating or not, this was in fact my first tip-up pike ever (and not for lack of trying). But I had to "break the ice" at some point, I guess. The girls had a good time, and we caught two pike and about 20 small perch. Not a fast day, but this is in fact my personal best pike for weight. Not the longest, but the heaviest. As you'll notice, my line of tip ups was not even completely put out when this one grabbed a herring. It was the only flag I got all day!
1). 38", 14 lb 4 oz (by my digital scale, 14 lb 2 oz by my friend's).


Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:28 pm
by AJ's Dad
Nice going. Great way to start the year!


Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:38 pm
by Fish-N-Fool
Very nice fish. I have never caught one through the ice either, but whats only because I hate ice fishing. lol
I have done it a few times but not with all the correct gear. I'm a total catch and release guy and so I don't like doing the dead bait thing or freezing my (_,_) 0ff [biggrin]


Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:54 pm
by Natebg1
Congrats Farmer aa!

Way to start off 2015 and breaking the ice! Very nice Pike, and even better that it was with the kids! That always makes it worth braving the cold. I know my Son is begging me to take him fishing while I am home for vacation.

Hopefully between my honey do list and getting things in order before I head back to the desert I can take a few days to get my priorities straight and get out on a River or Lake on the West Side. Unfortunately I don't think I will have the chance to come East due to our schedule, but hopefully in the future when I return I can get back over that way. I can tell you by that time I will definitely need some time for Pike Fishing!

Good Luck in the 2015 and keep the posts rolling!

Nate The Pike Baron


Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:05 pm
by ncwflounderer
looks like fish n chips!


Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:07 pm
by Lucius
Your tellimg me nobody has caught a pike in two months? Jeez oh pete. My buddy caught his first pike through the ice a week ago. Nice 38"er.....I gave him a good tongue lashing though because he kept her....he said she was loaded with eggs ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) [-X [-X [-X [-X

Nice fish though and definitely for a guys first pike he is talking a lot of trash about how my first pike wasn't that big or that my biggest colorado pike isn't that big.....blah blah blah


Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:03 am
by AJ's Dad
You just posted a photo of your friends fish???? If I'm not mistaking, you did that once before with the big one Scotty got. Man you are a struggling fisherman. I suggest you stick to catching your OWN fish, and posting photos of your OWN fish. If you can catch them. [flapper]
OK I'm just kidding. I'm looking forward to our trip to last Mountain in June. We'll keep a tally for the trip and see who does what Mister!


Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:19 am
by Lucius
Ha....what can I say, I have to live vicariously through other pike anglers because I live 4.5-5.5 hours away from the nearest pike lake. Plus being in the transition of trying to sell my current boat to upgrade to a new boat kind of grounds me as well. All I can say is I have spring fever for some pike really bad. It will be an amazing end of May first part of June as I will be fishing CDA the last weekend in May and Last mountain the first weekend in June. We will definitely see who will do better. We will have to compile a fisheries list on what we expect to catch at Last Mountain....a tradition that was started the last trip!!!!


Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:55 am
by AJ's Dad
Well boys and girls, it looks like AJ's Dad is on the board for 2015. I got my frst pike of the year yesterday and she was a dandy. This 39" 18 pounder goes on the board for me as #1 as this years attempt to reach 200 fish begins. Please forgive the blanked out portions of the photo. The locatiion is a SECRET. [-(


Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:30 am
by harleypiker
After 3 attempts over the past couple years I have finally successfully gotten registered thanks to Mike Carey who
got'er done for me at his booth at the Spokane Big Horn Show last week; thanks Mike. My 2014 talley was in the 90s with a 10.5lb the largest. This transplanted Minnesotan will have to get used to doing length measurements.
My pike talley this year is four, 20-23" taken at the Pend Oreille River, Boundary Dam reservoir. The Boundary pike are hard to catch there as they are swimming by swiftly with fear in their eyes as they flee the gill nets to the south on their way to the safer, more expansive waters of Lake Roosevelt. I have lived in Colville and fished Roosevelt 45 years and have never confirmed a pike caught in the Kettle Falls area of Roosevelt. I know of 29 confirmed reports, including one personally, of pike caught there last year--a couple years after netting began on the P.O. river. Pure coincidence, of course.
AJ Dad's post on "Walleye & Panfish", "Pike at Kettle", 3-6-15 is a classic perfectly describing the joys of pike fishing as hopefully to be encountered by unwary walleye fishermen on Roosevelt this season. Should I ever journey to Germany, I will post it on the Wittenburg church door next to Martin Luther's 95 Thesis! [thumbsup]


Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:10 pm
by Reel Priorities
Way to go brother. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing. I've not a doubt in my mind you'll break 200 this year. Tight lines.


Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:59 pm
by farmer_aa
Hey, Mark,
way to go on the big fish. I am going to keep my fingers crossed that the first fish of the year for me will not be my biggest, and that your first will exceed your next biggest for the year by about 9 pounds. Haha, [flapper] , kidding, I'm just asking you to save a 20+ for me so I don't feel like such a loser. I don't expect to have as many trips out this year as last, so I'm going to have to make them count. It may be a little early to concede defeat (as I waited until October last year to do so) and I don't have the "pike a month" goal to aspire to this year, but I'll be happy to work on building up your spring numbers in my favorite shallow slop and a couple places we didn't get to last year that are worth giving a chance. You've pretty much got the fish dialed in October, but let's try to do some damage in May this year. My goal for the year is to top my personal best for size, and I know a 20+ is lurking out there for me yet. Tight lines to all, and I'm looking forward to hearing your reports starting to pour in as I make circles in the dirt and wish for time on the boat.


Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:24 pm
by farmer_aa
Oh, and thanks to AJ's Dad for the post in the Walleye forum. That was great! It was a good thread, and I couldn't help but put a post up myself.


Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:54 pm
by Fish-N-Fool
Hey Mark, I know exactly where that spot is, i can tell by the water. :) Just kidding, but I do think I know what body of water that is. Nice fish for the first of the year no matter where it came from. CONGRATS!!!

So I've had a pretty good year so far in Pike numbers with 7 total so far in my few outings I've had so far with 3 fish over 10 lbs. This one at about 15 to 16 lbs. my biggest this year to date. I got 2 in Washington and 5 in Idaho, so far this year.
My other fish were
11.7 lbs.
10.8 lbs.
2 in the 8 lb range
and 2 in the 5 lb. range that I didn't weight
I also wasn't able to weigh my biggest fish as my scale broke that day. So I guess I need to get a new one.


I also got a nice 12 lb. er on video that hit a 4" Johnson Minnow spoon with my own Kick-N-Fool Trailer on it.
I'm uploading it to YouTube and will post it here later. This one was my first fish of the year after a long winter without fishing so i was a bit excited about it. Here is is ..." onclick=";return false;


Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:56 am
by AJ's Dad
Nice going Fool! Looks like you're off to a great start for the year. Keep thos videos coming.


Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:15 am
by Fish-N-Fool
I figured I catch some crap from you about me not being ready to land the fish. #-o I actually hooked that fish trolling over to where I normally start casting at, so it caught me off guard a bit.


Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:21 am
by AJ's Dad
No crap from me. Any pike is a good pike!


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:48 pm
by harleypiker
Yesterday was a fair pike outing in spite of post-cold front and an east wind--2 strikes. But managed 4 pike with 25" the
largest on the north end of the P.O. River(Boundary Reservoir). A meager 8 for the year but got'er started anyway. Had a pic but have to figure out how to post it yet. [crying]


Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:39 am
by AJ's Dad
It's good to hear your found a few pike. How's the water level? Has it come up any to help cover part of those islands?