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Pike tournament update

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:43 pm
by YJ Guide Service
Well we had 16 boats and 38 participants for the tournament, the biggest turnout ever for chapter 60. The weather was beautiful and the the river gave up a few of her bounties. We had a total of approx 20 fish caught with the biggest being 24". I would like to say congrats to Melodie Dowdy for winning big fish and 1st place with a 24" fish and total of 46 1/2 inches. Chris Gades took 2nd and Michael McLeslie took 3rd. We had a great raffle and met some great people. I want to thank the 2 road warriors Nate and Doug for making the trip from the coast(chapter 57). Thank You everyone who participated in this tournament. We will post some pics when we get them sent in. Craig

RE:Pike tournament update

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:56 am
by MMcleslie
Thanks Craig and chapter 60 for putting on the tournament. It was a great turnout and a lot of fun.

RE:Pike tournament update

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:23 am
by Natebg1

Craig, Melody, Alicia and Chapter 60 members, Doug and I wanted to THANK YOU Again for all of your generous hospitality while we were over in Eastern Washington it really was a Treat and the Tournament was a memorable one to say the least even if we did only catch a few Pike. Just wish the one didn't get the sudden urge once I had him in the boat to spit the hook and flip back into the water, but I guess that is what makes a great fish story. At least Doug's ankle has the proof that it was in the boat LOL... of course who would have thought that the second one that I did actually get in the boat would come on a Homemade Lure. Out of all the lures I had ready, it had to be the one I made while we were all sitting around debating on which lure would be the key ticket. I think I might just have to market this lure on the Pend Oreille, because I didn't get hit with anything else all day and then I put this thing on and in a matter of 2 minutes I have one hit me right at the boat that gets off and then I get the second one just a minute later and he ends up being the only fish in the boat for me that actually made it into the live well. I guess that is why they call it fishing though, but it certainly was a GREAT learning experience for later down the road. Anyhow the Tournament was great and it was good to see everyone again, look forward to more memories down the road on the Great Pend Oreille River. Oh and make sure to tell Melody that the Venison Lasagna and Elk Roast was PHENOMINAL!!!! I want more already and I have only been back for a day. Good luck Chapter 60 with the beginning of your Tournaments for this year, can't wait to see and hear about the results from each one, just make sure you come ready against Melody!!! and of course Craig!!! LOL... Well from the Westside and Chapter 57 we all wish you the best of luck and look forward to the annual Muskie Cup, tight lines and WARMER Weather!!!


RE:Pike tournament update

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:41 am
by Lucius
Is no one going to post pictures of the pike tournament. I have been waiting on them to be posted since this weekend. Chop Chop people. My water down here is still frozen!!

RE:Pike tournament update

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:11 am
by cudaman
ice fishing man ,come on bust thru some hard water and jig it up