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Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 5:52 am
by AJ's Dad
The pike bite was a little better for me on Saturday. I managed 8 pike, one nice smallie and a nice large mouth on the day. Those 8 bring me to 49 for the year. I'm ahead of my lower 48 pike count from this time last year, but a far cry from where I was this time last year after having just returned from Last Mountain lake. Spoons have been a good producer for us so far this year. I still haven't caught any big pike yet this year, but the Packernut came along with me on this trip and got big fish of the day with a fish a shade under 12 pounds. She was a beauty.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:53 pm
by Lucius
Well I fished Ft. Peck this past weekend. Awesome lake but the 2 severe thunderstorms per night I think kept the bite suppressed a bit. I did manage 5 pike 2 nice smallmouth and a small walleye. Biggest pike was 31 inches with the average around 30 inches between the 2 of us. Smallmouth were both 18 inches plus. Headed to Nebraska for Father's Day so hopefully I should catch quite a few to pad my numbers but it will be the last fishing trip of the season for me.

That brings me to 44 on the year.
28 inch pike resized.JPG

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:43 pm
by Lucius
How am I the last one to post on here? Went to Nebraska last weekend and caught another 20 pike. That brings my total to 64 on the year. My son caught his first fish on a lure which also happened to be his first pike. He also caught the biggest bass of the trip and I caught a 10 lb bluecat on a chatterbait. Pics finally posted.


Sorry it took so long, getting ready for wifey to land an 8lber here this week :cheers:

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 5:48 am
by AJ's Dad
4 more pike on Saturday brings me to 53 on the year, /still no big ones for me just another nice fat 6 pounder. I've been seeing some of the bigger fish on almost every trip. Now I just gotta figure out how to get them to bite and hang on.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:45 am
by harleypiker
I think dyeing your beard orange is scaring the hell out of them!!

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:53 am
by AJ's Dad
Had a good day yesterday on Cda and the chains. 14 pike puts me to 67 for the year. Several fish in the 5-6 pound range and this 13 1/2 pounder that took a frog. My biggest frog fish to date. I missed one earlier that was even bigger, damn it. Finally got a big fish in the boat this year though so I'm not complaining. :cheers:

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:47 pm
by Fish-N-Fool
Hit Killarney today in my little boat. Got there at about 6:20 and had 2 hammerhandle pike in the boat by 7 AM. Thought I was in for a good day, then the wind hit. About blew me into the next county. By 10 AM I had another fish in the boat but needed to find calmer water, so I ventured into Lost lake. I had never been in there before and I wasn't even sure I could find it or make it in. But I did, interesting little lake. It looks good, but the water was very dark, "like strong tea". Didn't have any hits at all in there. So back out into Killarney through all the whitecaps that had me fearing for my life and then loaded the boat up and made the jaunt to Bull Run for what I hoped would be calmer waters. I almost immediately got a nice 12 lb fish on but I muffed the landing and got it tangled in one of my other rods that was hanging over the side of the boat. I got my hand on it but it got off the hook before I could get the tangle out. Got this 29" about 30 min. later. Got another smaller fish as well, and lost a big one that stripped line off my reel for about 15 seconds and then just came unbuttoned for whatever reason. It was quite a bit bigger then the 12 lb I got, but I never got to see it so not sure just how big it was. I had a bunch of hits that I didnt get a hookup on and way more action at Bullrun then Killarney had, I had about 6 more hits besides the 3 I caught there. So 6 fish total on the day brings me to 87 on the year. Image

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:29 pm
by harleypiker
Just got back from 3 days at CDA chain lakes. Fished two lakes hard. Got 3 pike in 3 days. Biggest 24". One other member got a 26". Pretty tough going with that miserable 'wire weed' all chocked in and outside the cabbage strips. Terrible stuff. You can only fish outside the weeds and hope some wandering pike are out there. weedless gear doesn't help much. it hangs up on the leaders also. Maybe it will recede a little in the fall.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 4:39 am
by AJ's Dad
I had a slow day yesterday as well. I released 2 pike and missed 5-6 other bites throughout the whole day. The weed you're talking about are dropping back a little in the main lake already in some spots. They are truly frustrating. Both of my fish came on spoons yesterday. Chain lakes temps were up to 74 as well as the main lake. 2 more gets me to 69 for the year.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:38 pm
by Lucius
Will Mark get to 200 this year? :-k

Posted pics from the Nebraska trip with the fam from June

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:43 pm
by harleypiker
Targeted pike on the Columbia this weekend. Trying to solve the puzzle of where they disperse to after spring shallows spawning. Finally found a superb 8 lb fighter. As good as any I've caught. Only 13 for the year but every one worth the effort. Got a good pic but haven't figured out the attachment secret yet.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:50 am
by AJ's Dad
Had an unexpected good day pike fishing in the heat and warm water yesterday. I finished the day with 12 more pike bringing me to 81 for the year. First fish of the day was a 30"er that absolutely exploded on a top water bait at 5:45am. in the main lake. I was fishing a main lake weed bed when this PIG smallie crushed a 1oz spinner bait. I thought I had a big pike on. Dang thing made three good runs before I got a look at her. I think my scale may need replacing. It weighed this fish at 5lb 2oz. I've caught a few 5lb smallies and this fish seemed bigger than all of them. I was guessing over 6lb. Maybe I better get a new scale. :) Water temps in the main lake went from 74 in the am to 77-78 late in the day. Chains were over 80 degrees. Was really surprised to catch that many fish on the day.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 5:35 am
by AJ's Dad
8 more pike yesterday gets me to 89 on the year. Had another decent day, given the warm water, and ambient temps. Most came on a white spinner bait, but got two on frogs and one on a spoon. Water temps are down from last week. about 75 in the main lake and down to 77 in the chain lake I was fishing. Only managed on in the chains. Everything else came from the main lake this trip. Decent size to yesterdays fish. Got one at 28, two at 29, and two at 30". Not too bad for summer time feeders. I also found a couple of large mouth. One was a nice 4 pounder that drilled a top water bait. Gotta love that top water.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 7:52 am
by Fish-N-Fool
Damm you pasted me I haven't been pikin since my trip to Bullrun about a month ago so still at 87 on the year., I'm hoping to get out to the Chain lakes next weekend so look out. LOL

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 7:15 am
by AJ's Dad
Caught 5 more pike yesterday bringing me to 94 for the year so far. Decent sizes again with top three fish going 29-30 and 31". 31"er weighed 8 lbs 8 ozs. Water temps have come down a bit. Main lake was 68-13 throughout the day. Spinner baits got all but one fish that came on a spoon.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:33 pm
by Fish-N-Fool
So finally got out to do a little pike fishing
Went to Hayden early hoping for a topwater bite but no luck there. Started fishing jointed swimbaits and I picked up a 2 ish lb. hammerhandle pike and a nice 4 lb largey. We left & headed back towards home and hit a small lake near there for pike. I didnt get a single bite from a pike but I did catch a beast of a largemouth bass. My 3rd biggest ever

Image Only got 1 pike all day but I wont complain about getting a 23 3/4" Largey. That puts me at 88 on the year.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:40 am
by AJ's Dad
Great looking fish Rick. Did you get a weight on her?

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:46 am
by AJ's Dad
It was a VERY slow day fir me yesterday. Very windy and the bite was next to nothing. I managed to 1dd 2 pike to my total getting me to 96 on the year. Got both fish on a white spinner bait. Water temps are still up to 69 in the morning to 76 late in the day.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:16 pm
by Fish-N-Fool
Hey Mark, She went 8.23 Lb.

Re: 2016 Pike Tally

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:54 am
by AJ's Dad
Nice. That's a monster in any lake. Good going