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Scrouggie Pond???

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:45 pm
by Marc Martyn
:-s I was looking at the WDFW website in the trout plants for this year and they listed Scrouggie Pond in Spokane Co. as one of the waters they stocked rainbows. I have never heard of it. Anyone else know anything about it?

RE:Scrouggie Pond???

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:02 pm
by Aaron
Never heard of it. It's not in the list of official USGS named geological locations for Wa.

RE:Scrouggie Pond???

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:03 pm
by Aaron
Google only shows 2 hits, both of them from the WDFW site... so I imagine that it's a nick-name and not an officially recognized name. Email them and find out!

RE:Scrouggie Pond???

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:49 pm
by jmay
I read the WDFW planting report last month and saw that as well. I am not possitive, however just west of Fishtrap on the road to Hog Canyon Lake there is a small pond where I have duck hunted the last few years. It has water in it year round and is just off of "Scrouggie Road" Its a five minute walk from the parking area. I can imagine it would hold enough oxygen for year round fish survival, but it is big enought to plant and there is a acess road that is gated the state could get a truck down to it.

RE:Scrouggie Pond???

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:06 am
by juicyjay504
This has been killing me as well. If anyone finds anything out please let me know.

RE:Scrouggie Pond???

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:15 pm
by Marc Martyn
I believe that Jim Scroggie, owner of the pond, would prefer it to be a juvenile fishing pond.

Here is the scoop direct from the Game Dept.:

Mr. Martyn,

Scroggie pond is a small 2 acre pond just east of Fishtrap Lake. When this pond gets enough water we stock it with fish. we haev done this for many years.

The pond sits on private property owned by Jim Scroggie. Mr. Scroggie allows anyone to fish the pond as long as they are resepctful to his pond and property. He especially likes the opportunity to to provide small pond fishing to kids. There are a few large fish in the pond, but mostly this is a put and take fishery with 8 to 12 inch fish being the norm.
This type of opportunity to provide small pond fishing is rare in this area. I try to take advantage of any opportunity to provide for this type of fishery if the opportunity arises.

Thanks for your query,

Chris Donley

If you are granted permission to fish on his pond, please respect his wishes. This is a rare and kind jesture on his part- Marc

RE:Scrouggie Pond???

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:40 pm
by bustin
This is something I will definately be looking into for my four year old that would be awesome for her. That is really great there are people out there that will do this.

RE:Scrouggie Pond???

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:11 am
by bigastrout
Nice research on the pond Marc. It sounds like the gentleman that owns the pond probrably has a great place to take the kids and get them interested in fishing. this is a wonderfull example of community