Local Fishing Show Production - Looking for Anglers/Guides

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Local Fishing Show Production - Looking for Anglers/Guides

Post by glastron876 » Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:00 pm

I know there are a lot of guys who may have the time and knowledge, maybe even perhaps the interest in using this time to be able "Educate" others in many different ways.

I ran accross this ad on Craigslist of a guy named Sean Kennedy who is trying to produce a local television fishing show.
See his ad below:
I contacted him via e-mail and he sent me some attachments - the letter is below the ad here.

Fishing Guides needed for TV show
Maybe someone may be insterested

Reply to: sale-353490651@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-06-16, 9:49AM PDT

Looking for guides or experienced anglers to help assist in a locally produced fishing program. I am producing a show to air on Community Access channel 14 Comcast Cable.This is a volunteer production. However, there are many fringe benefits, as well as being featured on my show.Boats are a must for this show. I provide all the video gear and help with gas and such.
If you are interested, please contact me,Sean, at 509-218-3242

Location: Spokane/regional
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Cable Access Fishing Show

Dear Gentleman & Ladies,
Most of this letter will be redundant to what I've been saying, however, I would like to reiderate my mission statement.
My name is Sean Kennedy, and I am currently working on a local fishing show to be aired on the community access channel 14 comcast . Airing dates are tenatively set around late July/early Aug.
My ambition is to create a quality show about the sport/passion/and artistry of angling. In order for this to happen, I am looking for a group of people who would be willing to volunteer thier time and professionalism to help create a qaulity, fun, local fishing program. Any and all participation will be greatly appreciated, and credit given where due.
Some of my ideas for the show will involve enviromentalism, most topics will relate to the local and regional areas, e/se. Washington, N.cent. Idaho, and w. Montana. Instructional information from local anglers covering topics related to fishing and safety on the water. Local lake and river fishing reports, as well as water levels. But most of the show will be centered around video footage of real fishing. I hope to be able to arrange trips to rivers and lakes to video some great fishing adventures. Some other ideas that I have that I would like incorporate intothe show are features on cooking, kids fishing, and a photo gallery from viewers and friends.
Lastly, your input is vital to the success of the show. That is why I propose a " meeting of the minds" so that all of us who are to be involved, can meet and share ideas. Please get back to me with dates and times that are good for you.This is not a mandatory meeting, however, it is imprtant that we all meet.
As always, I am very grateful for everything that is offered.
Thank you, Sean Kennedy.
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day. Teach someone to fish and you get rid of them for the whole weekend"

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