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Alaska Saltwater Close Call

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:43 am
by Big D
The man in the kayak is Dr. Richard Kraft from Sitka, Alaska. He happened to get caught in the middle of a group of humpback whales that were feeding on herring in Katlian Bay just outside of Sitka. He lived to tell of his experience.


At least that's how the story went until someone called a Sitka newspaper to verify the event. Turns out the image was the work of a local Photoshop master with too much time on his hands.

RE:Alaska Saltwater Close Call

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 4:16 am
by Gonefishing
...and he tells his wife and friends when he gets home...

I have a whale of a story to tell you....

Cool picture by the way but I'm more likely faint and cry instead of keep on paddlin :)

RE:Alaska Saltwater Close Call

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:41 am
by christopherbeebe
looks a bit doctored no pun intended. first who would get that exact shot. second there is no reflection of him or his bright yellow kayak, third i'm looking at it on a 42” high def screen so its pretty clear that its a good photoshop but not great. definitely too much free time lol he should go fishin :-)

RE:Alaska Saltwater Close Call

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:30 pm
by Blackmouth
Photoshop is pretty neat...

One way you can tell it is fake is because there are is no water disturbance from the paddle.... You would see a bit of a wake/some water displaced from paddling, but here you see nothing.

Also, look at some of the blurring at the rear end of the kayak. Contrast that to the sharpness of the photo around the mouth of the whale, and its a dead giveaway....

RE:Alaska Saltwater Close Call

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:59 pm
by The Quadfather
I do enjoy these photos... not to rain on anyone's parade, but also it stood out to me how with all the turbulance around the Orca's mouth and the Kayak... notice that there is absolutely no water crossing over the kayak anywhere, it appears dry. Not to mention, don't you think this guy would be in a reactionary state... rather than looking straight ahead and just cruising.

RE:Alaska Saltwater Close Call

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 3:03 pm
by Matt
Photoshop FAIL #-o

RE:Alaska Saltwater Close Call

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:56 am
by Blktailhunter
Another close call...
