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Trolling Divers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:12 pm
by zombie93
Hey guys im looking for recommendations on divers(deep sixes, dipsy etc.) for salmon. I need to grab a couple to hold me over before my downriggers get here. Any recommendations? I have used deep sixes in the past but found them too inconsistent, and kind of a hassle. I'm looking for a recomendation based on practicality, ease of use, and good trip characteristics. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Re: Trolling Divers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:50 pm
by Mike Carey
I've had best luck with the Deep Six. The trip device has an adjustable screw to... adjust.

Re: Trolling Divers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:12 pm
by natetreat
I like the pink lady, easy as pie, no switches to mess with. My first year at Baker, that's what I ran.

Re: Trolling Divers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:09 pm
by Jerry H
Deep six is all we use for silvers, 10 oz. droppers on the bottom for kings when on the ocean outside of Garibaldi Oregon.

Re: Trolling Divers

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:05 pm
by fishindude
First time using Deep six divers on the Sound last weekend boated 2 Pinks and 2 Silvers with them. Lost several more too (not related to any diver issues I don't think). I can't vouch for any other diver types but the Deep Sixes worked for me.

Re: Trolling Divers

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:59 am
by Ultimate
My vote is for Delta Divers. I like to use them with a fish flash which you can attach directly to the diver, along with a leader to a herring or a spoon (which I prefer). The advantage to using a Delta Diver while fishing spoons is, if you get a drive by that releases the diver, you can reset it without reeling it up, meaning???...more time fishing! Just lift the rod high in the air and dip fastly towards the water creating slack in the line, and viola, it resets it self. They also come in defferent sizes. If you are going to use a traditional flasher, I would suggest using the larger size diver as the smaller one's have tendency to release under the strain of the circulating flasher. I think the other divers mentioned will definitely get the job done, but I have had success with the Delta's and I prefer them. ~Ultimate

Re: Trolling Divers

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:06 am
by G-Man
Getting into the realm of nitpicking, the Delta Divers look to have exposed lead and stainless steel. That combo in water, especially saltwater, creates an electrical charge. I'd dissemble and encapsulate the lead section completely in paint before using. This applies to the Pink Ladys, Dipsey Divers and the like. The charge may not prevent you from catching fish, but it just may be reducing the number of fish you are catching.