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Hoodsport Hatchery Update?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:07 am
by cmessling07
I know the hatchery opened up to 4 adults per day(only 2 chinook over 24 and no chum til oct 15), but haven't heard much about success. My buddy is up there this weekend and he said there were a lot of pinks and a few kings in the zone. A couple seals have been in the hatchery though spookin the fish.

It is still a little early, but it seems like the hatchery isn't receiving too much pressure if you want to go give it a try! Last year I caught 2 kings about this time(a 17 and 14 pounder). If you go. be sure to share how the fishing is!

RE:Hoodsport Hatchery Update?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:09 pm
by Easy Limits
I hear the pinks are starting to show at the Zone.