Kill'em all Boy's

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kayak chris
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Kill'em all Boy's

Post by kayak chris » Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:04 am

I just read the WDFW news release about these guys.
The part that sticks out most in my mind is, and I quote:

...“Working together, these guys took a lot of animals illegally and brazenly ignored laws related to landowners’ property rights,” Bjork said. “Gordon, in particular, had no respect for the state’s wildlife or the law.”

It is my humble opinion that if you are convicted of poaching in a pre-meditated manner that your hunting privledges should be revoked...FOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am interested in what ya'll think?
Last edited by Anonymous on Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by Bodofish » Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:17 am

I'm pretty sure that's right up at the top of the list of punishments. On the other hand, do they really care? After all that's how they got inthe position they're in.
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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by Marc Martyn » Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:29 am

These guys are not only dangerous to animals, but also to humans which will most likely happen sometime in the future.

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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by mallard83 » Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:15 pm

None of these guys got near the punishment that they deserved. They showed a total disreguard for the rules set by the state. It was all premeditated and should be judged harshly.

I spend a ton of my hard earned money on my liscenses for various game each year and abide by the rules. It is rediculous and angering that these "people" get away with this stuff for so long and get such light sentences/fines. You can't tell me that with this small of punishment that these degenerates won't be back doing this again. I say do like they do in some countries where they chop off one of your hands for stealing. Chop off a hand on these guys and and see if they think that it is worth stealing animals/hunting priveleges from every honest american.:salut:
Last edited by Anonymous on Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by VHMLLC » Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:43 pm

so if they caught these guys by a "tip" why dont they take care of the dock mutts and other poachers .draining our lakes that we use legaly. bummer they dont have more time to watch the docks.

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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by Marc Martyn » Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:10 pm

VHMLLC wrote:why dont they take care of the dock mutts...............
:thumright Too funny!! Dock Mutts........I like it:tongue:
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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by mallard83 » Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:48 pm

VHMLLC wrote:so if they caught these guys by a "tip" why dont they take care of the dock mutts and other poachers .draining our lakes that we use legaly. bummer they dont have more time to watch the docks.

Unfortunatly there are bigger fish to fry and there is not enough gamies to catch these other guys. I have almost got in fights with numerous stupid people over fishing purposes. I have held back for the most part and not interfered with the persons Karma they would recieve anyway for thier idiotic manners because you never know what another person might be carrying.

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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by Dave » Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:19 am

Unfortunately the people the WDFW do catch receive minimum sentences from the court as we once again see in this case. This sends a message to others who commit crimes against animals and wildlife that it may be worth the risk to commit these crimes and live this unethical lifestyle.

We also see this on a regular basis with other crimes against persons and property in the country. Some examples; DUI, Assault and Assault 4 Domestic Violence, Theft both felony and misdemeanor, Burglary, Trespass, and Malicious Mischief just to name a few. Most who commit these types of crimes and get caught get a suspended jail sentence or maybe serve a few days or maybe even a month in jail, and pay a minimum fine. Many also get a deferred prosecution which means if they are not caught committing a similar crime over a one to two year time period, the crime they were convicted of, is removed from their record.

I am amazed how our judicial system works in the favor of the criminal. Why? It is my opinion that this is happening because our society chooses / votes to spend it's billions of dollars on new sports stadiums and other entertainment projects that generate revenue profit, instead of spending that money on more prisons and jails and the staff to run them so these criminals can receive the maximum sentences they deserve. Our courts are reluctant to send deserving crooks to jail and or prison for the crime they were found guilty of because there is not enough room to house them and the State doesn't want to pay to house them.

The judicial system is troubling to all of us yet it continues to this day to be lenient to criminals. Remember this the next time you have the chance to vote on a new sports stadium. The ones it effects the most are those who lose a loved one to a drunk driver or a person who commits some other reckless act. I am amazed to this day that a drunk driver who kills someone gets 2 or 3 years in prison and a fine. What a joke!

If the Government spent it's billions on more prisons and jails, staff to run them, and set aside money to prosecute criminals to the full extent of the law, the courts would be able to give these criminals what they deserve. I would also bet that if that happened, the crime rate would plummet. Just my opinion here, not meant to offend anyone.

Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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kayak chris
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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by kayak chris » Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:22 am

I personally think that there are enough gamies to put a dent in the poaching of big game animals. Every year, in other states, wildlife officers set up decoys in various areas that allows for the 'speedy' in and out access the typical poacher desires. That means with in view of a forest road. Check out the below link to see what I mean:


This can be done for all species, for low cost. It is very effective. And I won't even get started about how other states are utilizing trail cameras for "night spotter's."

Another point I would like to make is that WDFW has a record of not aggresively prosecuting these acts. These guys were poaching across 3 states, anything that crossed their paths...Cougars, bears, moose, bobcat, mule deer, elk..."Kill e'm All Boyz." Selling the parts for profit. I just cannot comprehend how or why they would ever be allowed the privledge we have to hunt again.

Personally, I'm begin to think that WDFW does not believe poaching is a priority. I am begining to believe that their focus has shifted from the 'protection' of the resource and moved towards the 'selling' of tags for $$$. I always see more WDFW officers at "game checks" than I do in the field. And me personally, I have never been approached during any hunting season in WA.
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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by Dave » Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:07 am

Unfortunately, the WDFW has nothing to do with prosecuting a person they arrest or cite for a violation. Once the criminal citation and case report is sent to the prosecutor, he/she decided whether or not to actually charge (prosecute) the suspect. For felony cases, a case report is sent to the prosecutor for review and charging. Both of these procedures and process apply whether or not a suspect is booked or not.

So for clarification: It's the prosecutors who do not aggressively prosecute these acts, not the law enforcement agencies or their officers. I believe the WDFW absolutely feels that poaching is a priority. In fact I know a few WDFW officers personally and they all love catching and arresting violators. I just want to put any blame where it rightfully belongs.

The prosecutor is the one who charges the suspects and the court (Judge) decides what sentence to impose to include making a decision to not allow the defendant to purchase a license in the future. The prosecutor can provide a sentencing recommendation to the Judge but ultimately it is the Judge who makes the sentencing decisions. I’m not sure denying these types of folks the privilege to buy a license will deter them from poaching. I believe giving them the maximum sentence (meaning jail time) might.

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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by kayak chris » Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:38 am

You make a great point. It is the prosecuters and judges that are responsible for delivery of justice. However, I still feel that pressure to do the "right thing" in terms of prosecution outcomes rest in two places, the WDFW & the people. We intrust the wildlife resource of our state in the hands of the WDFW to protect our resources. My statements through this dialog place a great deal responsiblity for lack of aggressive prosecution with the WDFW. This is not to say that wildlife officer's are not passionate about their profession. They are. Let me say that again so that there is no misunderstanding:

I feel Wildlife Officer's are passionate about protecting our wildlife and our hunting and fishing traditions.

However, the officer's are not the target of my discontent. It is the administration of the the WDFW. They should be outraged at the fact that a judge would allow these "Kill'em All Boyz" to hunt again. These guys will be hunting again before the impact of what they have done can be determined. Here is a link to another example:

They have proof that these guys killed, " least 24 bull elk and numerous deer from last September through January."

$6000.00 fines. Does he get to hunt again.....yes.

The WDFW comissioner should be on the news, radio, in schools making the public aware so that we can actually rally and apply our pressure back to the prosecutors and judges.

If anyone believes that I am incorrect about WDFW actions surrounding this please post it. But ask yourself if you knew about the "Kill'em All Boyz" before I posted? Or how about the 24 bull elk?

My point is that we all should have! And that is the responsibility of the WDFW.

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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by Dave » Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:01 am

Well put Chris and I share your frustration. I kinda find it hard to believe that anyone at the WDFW isn't outraged to some extent with the court's decision. My guess is they are just not able to say it publically. I wish the court would have given these guys the maximum sentence and fines and revoked any opportunity to hunt or fish in the U.S. I also wasn't questioning your support of the officers. I just wanted to clarify that the WDFW and other law enforcement agencies don't have much say in how cases are prosecuted, aggressively or otherwise. Your passion for justice is great! I believe everyone on this site supports the WDFW and other law enforcement entities which is much appreciated.

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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by G-Man » Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:27 pm

Leniency for jail time and fines should be reserved for those cases where there was no intent or premeditation on committing a crime. I’m sure a prosecutor could have run up the charges individually and come up with a huge fine, lengthy jail time and have their hunting/fishing privileges revoked for 20+ years. It appears that, in an effort to reduce costs, a plea bargain was reached resulting in a single conviction for multiple crimes. This fires me up like nothing else and just provides canon fodder for organizations like PETA, severely damaging the common sportsman’s public image. Even if there was minimal jail time, I think I could have accepted a ruling that included heavier fines and a ban on hunting and fishing for 20+ years if not a lifetime. Unfortunately, I think that with these jokers, they will continue to hunt and fish whether they possess a license or not. I wonder if they were at least convicted of a felony and have forfeited their right to possess a firearm.

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RE:Kill'em all Boy's

Post by Dave » Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:25 am

I agree with you G-man. I'm sure they took a deal, and should have had any privileges to hunt or fish revoked for life, and received a huge fine.

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