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not answering questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:47 pm
by driftercn83
you know it has come to my attention that people put questions up here and sit aroundn for days while get view oafter view and not a reponse its hard for people to learn if people arent will to teach but thats my opinon and my view. but what do I know I am just a 20 year vet of the fishing world I am not trying to get under anyones skin but as I see it the reason people dont get into fishing is beacuse the more advanced people are scared of giving away secrets you just have to lknow who to give them to and who not to geive them too. is it the guy who is sporeting the fancy fishing vest and boots or the kid witht he baggy pants and back wards baseball hat? I have had issues with that I have my lip pierced and my ears pierced and I get real mean looks from the old timers cause of the way I dress and I am a very avid and technical fisherman. so people please remember that its not how we look or act its how much we want to learn. I know the answer to this is gonna be well there is always some one who ruins it for us all well thats life. thats alwaya gonna happen but we need to educate rather then hide it all.....

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:53 pm
by Amx
Lots of times I click on a thread to get rid of the red square, so it's easier to see the threads that have new replies.

Salt water? I know nothing. Trout? I know nothing. Walleye? I know nothing. Muskie? I know nothing.

But I like the red squares gone.

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:55 pm
by Amx
Oh ya, the other web site I'm on all day, every day has a feature 'mark all read' so you don't have to click on everything. :-)

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:34 pm
by Mike Carey
Amx wrote:Oh ya, the other web site I'm on all day, every day has a feature 'mark all read' so you don't have to click on everything. :-)
This one does as well. Go to the master list of all the forums, it's in the lower right corner "mark all forums as read". Easy to miss if you don't know it's there.

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:37 pm
by Amx
Thanks, I'll go look for it.

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:38 pm
by Amx
Found it, thanks. :-)

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:41 pm
by Mike Carey
driftercn83 wrote:you know it has come to my attention that people put questions up here and sit aroundn for days while get view oafter view and not a reponse its hard for people to learn if people arent will to teach but thats my opinon and my view. but what do I know I am just a 20 year vet of the fishing world I am not trying to get under anyones skin but as I see it the reason people dont get into fishing is beacuse the more advanced people are scared of giving away secrets you just have to lknow who to give them to and who not to geive them too. is it the guy who is sporeting the fancy fishing vest and boots or the kid witht he baggy pants and back wards baseball hat? I have had issues with that I have my lip pierced and my ears pierced and I get real mean looks from the old timers cause of the way I dress and I am a very avid and technical fisherman. so people please remember that its not how we look or act its how much we want to learn. I know the answer to this is gonna be well there is always some one who ruins it for us all well thats life. thats alwaya gonna happen but we need to educate rather then hide it all.....
Like anything in life, there will be those that sit back and observe, and those that jump in and offer their opinion, and everything in-between. Sometimes that topic just doesn't generate much interest in the members, other times - watch out!

As to not judging a book by it's cover - Amen to that.

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:08 pm
by scott080379
This is how it is on most forum websites. Either people don't reply or people do and falm you because you are a noob. I have found that this place is hit or miss. But there are enough people on here that are willing to give advice if they have it. I have had most of my question answered. Just rember, if you post something between Friday and Sunday, it might not get answered. Because by monday people are more concered about posting fishing reports and bragging about there catch from the weekend.

Every forum based website I am a part of, people do the same thing. I devide people into 4 groups, these types of people are on every forum.

group 1: Those small number of people that are willing to give you advice and maybe even out to show a thing or two.

group 2: Those who will not post on your thread you started until one of the said people above does.

group 3: Those who only talked to people that they know.

group 4: Those who are only here for themselfs and can careless about anythign other than finding out where the next fishing whole is.

I am sure some people might not agree with this. I see this on my car and jeep forums and all the other fishing and hunting forums I am a part of.

I do not post much on peoples threads, due to lack of experence. I know how to fish for trout and I am learning salmon. Still trying to get out and learn some bass fishing.

Sorry if this place has put a bad taste in your mouth. I have gotten a lot of good info from here and have shared what I know here as well. <<<<---- which I know little.

The best thing you can do is not let other people get to you and share your knowlege if you are willing.

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:29 pm
by fishing collector
:scratch: What's the question?

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:04 pm
by Marc Martyn
driftercn83 wrote:you know it has come to my attention that people put questions up here and sit aroundn for days while get view oafter view and not a reponse its hard for people to learn if people arent will to teach but thats my opinon and my view. but what do I know I am just a 20 year vet of the fishing world I am not trying to get under anyones skin but as I see it the reason people dont get into fishing is beacuse the more advanced people are scared of giving away secrets you just have to lknow who to give them to and who not to geive them too. is it the guy who is sporeting the fancy fishing vest and boots or the kid witht he baggy pants and back wards baseball hat? I have had issues with that I have my lip pierced and my ears pierced and I get real mean looks from the old timers cause of the way I dress and I am a very avid and technical fisherman. so people please remember that its not how we look or act its how much we want to learn. I know the answer to this is gonna be well there is always some one who ruins it for us all well thats life. thats alwaya gonna happen but we need to educate rather then hide it all.....
Are you referring to the post you made in June about Bass Tourneys? ... ngler.aspx

The bass thread of this forum is very active and has many topics added each day. As new topics are added, inactive ones move down the list. The inactivity of your post may have been because it was not kept up front.

I suggest that when you make a post and in a few days there have not been any responses, click reply to your own post and type in "Bump". In doing this, the topic is once again listed in the most recent posts. It will be visible again and not buried in the forum.

Don't give up on people....... give them a chance :)

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:32 am
by Gringo Pescador
Drifter -

The one cool thing about online is it takes that "how I look" equation out of it for the most part. For instance, from your little avatar all I can see is a guy wearing an brownish coat holding a big ol fish. I can't see piercings or tats or anything like that. Just like with mine - you just see a guy with sunglasses and a big hat.

The people on this site are from all walks of life, and all ages. Come to the BBQ next year, you'll see we are really a motley bunch:-$ But it is a good group all with the same passion. Some will share, others wont. I've been fishing all my life and active on this site a few years now, and up until now, I pretty much have only posted experiences I have had or questions. I am just getting to the point where I feel confident enough in my abilities as a fisherman to dole out advice here and there. The last thing I want to do is steer somebody in the in the wrong direction, so if I am not sure, I don't respond to someone elses question, I wait for some else to and learn along with the questioner.

If you are out and get attitude for your looks from and old timer - for me, I will just ignore it and start talking to them about fishing "having any luck?" "This has worked for me in the past.." "Ever tried over at lake X?" etc. Sometimes they open up and sometimes not. If they do - great! If they don't, to bad for them - move on.

Marc's advice about bumping is a good one. Also, make sure your post is in the right forum (not saying yours wasn't, but it happens).

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:17 am
by fishing collector
One last thing.... If you look at the forum index and see a column for replies and one for posts....Don't get discouraged that you haven't heard back....People are looky loo's, lot's of guests who can't post are represented along with people that are looking for answers also. Fishing is not a team sport, although by all the people that are down at Edmonds pier in the rain you would certainly think so. Have a great week, Steve

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:18 am
by Anglinarcher
driftercn83 wrote:you know it has come to my attention that people put questions up here and sit aroundn for days while get view oafter view and not a reponse its hard for people to learn if people arent will to teach but thats my opinon and my view. but what do I know I am just a 20 year vet of the fishing world I am not trying to get under anyones skin but as I see it the reason people dont get into fishing is beacuse the more advanced people are scared of giving away secrets you just have to lknow who to give them to and who not to geive them too. is it the guy who is sporeting the fancy fishing vest and boots or the kid witht he baggy pants and back wards baseball hat? I have had issues with that I have my lip pierced and my ears pierced and I get real mean looks from the old timers cause of the way I dress and I am a very avid and technical fisherman. so people please remember that its not how we look or act its how much we want to learn. I know the answer to this is gonna be well there is always some one who ruins it for us all well thats life. thats alwaya gonna happen but we need to educate rather then hide it all.....
You have had a lot of good answers by now, but I thought I'd chime in as well.

I first want to comment about some being somewhat afraid to respond. On the INTERNET, everyone is an expert (just ask them). I have been fishing for 40+ years, and while I don't know it all, but I know more then most. I love it when some kid comes on that cannot even spell and tells me I'm wrong on something. Could I be wrong? Sure, but I like my odds.

Personally, I don't mind it when someone disagrees with me - it allows me to refine my position. Or, in today's words - bring it on! Nevertheless, many people will look at the question, but if they are not 100% certain about the answer, they are not willing to take the abuse they "might" receive from well meaning "experts", or trolls.

Please note that this is a problem for all INTERNET forums, not just this one. In fact, I'd have to say that this site is pretty tame in that regards. On the other hand, can be a real treat at times (LOL).:-"

Next, it looks to me like you have an attitude. It appears that in some part you are looking at things through the filter of your own angry perspective. How in the world could any of us know if you, or anyone else on the INTERNET, has piercings, or baggy pants, or Mohawks, or .......................? If you calm down, and realize that we can in no way judge you or anyone else for that matter, on your personality or looks, then perhaps you will start to appreciate what you can get, not what you have not received.

Last, you are correct in that some are not willing to give away their secrets. You cannot blame them. Case in point? Years ago at Pueblo Reservoir in Colorado I figured out how to hammer the large walleye. I found some great fish within a mile of the launch, and I was not afraid to tell people how to fish it, or what to fish it with. In fact, my partner use to like to string up the catch of the day and take pictures at the boat launch to show off. Within a couple of months, we were fishing with a few hundred of our closest friends, and the fish were gone. For the next couple of years we found we needed to make runs of several miles to find fish, and I had to paint my boat so people would stop following me to see where I was fishing.

Nevertheless, if you are willing to ask questions that don't pin down my exact spot, and the exact method, I try to help. I will not tell you that if you fish the hump at 48 degrees, 17 minutes by 118 degrees 32 minutes with bottom bouncers at 37 feet, using Grey blades and hot dogs for bait. I will be willing to tell you what the water temperature is, the approximate depth I am catching fish, and sometimes even the type of structure. In other words, don't get greedy and we will answer your questions!#-o

RE:not answering questions

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:52 am
by Denman
heck, I've gotten looks from old timers too, and it doesn't mean they are shocked at your appearance, it means you are invading their fishing territory. The "keep on moving pal" look. Usually, if they are friendly you can stop and talk, but some believe if they are too friendly, you won't go away. LOL. hang in there drifter and don't get discouraged. It's not about them's about you doing what you love doing.