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Question/Complaint...Need Clarification!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:49 am
by clarkbre
Went fishing lastnight at Lake Crabapple with my wife and dad. It was a great evening and pulled 5 fish into the boat so it was very successful. I did have a couple issues that need to be addressed and thought I'd open a discussion on them.

1. When we got there, the vault bathroom was in complete dismay. It had bags of garbage in it, hadn't been pumped out in a VERY long time, and there was no TP present. It wasn't a huge deal but it would make the launch/park area much more family friendly if it had a functioning/decent vault restroom. Who at the city/county/state level do you call to file a complaint about the condition of the facilities at the launch?

2. The launch at Crabapple is small. It's big enough for one boat and is gravel. What I've been finding is that whenever I need to launch or retrieve there are people fishing right on the launch. They camp out making a human road block to get your trailer in the water. What is the best way of dealing with this issue? Sometimes the people will clear the way and other times they say they have a right to be there. It was my understanding that a boat launch was used for launching and retrieving, not fishing. Please let me know the best method for handling this.

I know these are two minor issues. I am looking for the forum members' ideas to help make our fishing holes clean and safe for everyone to enjoy. Please let me know your thoughts.

RE:Question/Complaint...Need Clarification!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:58 am
by fishaholictaz
As far as people blocking the launch: hmm I would just line up act like they ARE going to move and back on down you have the right away I would make sure they see you though:-"

RE:Question/Complaint...Need Clarification!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:13 am
by Fish Antics
I know everyone's sick of signs . . . but on troubled launching ramps . .maybe a sign saying "No fishing on Ramp" would at least communicate the boater needs. I know I encounter lawn chairs on the ramp, kids swimming with adults that don't gather them up when the boat is waiting to launch, and some pretty angry looks from shore fishermen who seem to resent the intrusion. I know it wouldn't take long until the signs had bullet holes or were mysteriously missing.

If launching ramps had docks I bet the docks would be loaded with fisherman!

I don't see this crowding at all ramps for sure. but problems can be consistent at others - particularly lakes with small access areas.

It's too bad. There's room for everyone without ramp issues and hazing from dock owners. Signs that state the obvious? Don't know if they would work.

RE:Question/Complaint...Need Clarification!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:13 am
by swedefish4life1
When in question Pass on the Public Crapper :colors: most are just that :cheers: :chef: :bounce:

RE:Question/Complaint...Need Clarification!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:52 am
by Aintskunked
Ive kinda noticed recently that people just dont care which really sucks because lots of these places are and can be really nice. Ive noticed on both ends boaters and bankers you get a handfull of really nice and courteous guys/gals and then you get people that could care less about anything except what there doing. And I agree with Swede I usually stay away from most of the public restrooms unless its an emergency

RE:Question/Complaint...Need Clarification!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:32 pm
by Bodofish
If they'er sitting on the ramp fishing I just back up close, get out and say "Excuse me but you're sitting in the middle of the boat ramp and I need to launch my boat. Would you mind moving for just a few while I launch?" I've only had one guy get snotty, and I took his picture and told him if he he doesn't want me to use the public launch I'd be more than happy to discuss it with him when the Sheriff got there and moved the trailer a little closer. After about 5 minutes, he packed his crap and left. Took a picture of his car too. Most people just act embarrassed and say something like, "Oh, this is a boat ramp?"........... Just be nice but firm. On the other hand if it's meth heads with pitbulls, better have Mr. L.G. Bore an inch away from your hand.

RE:Question/Complaint...Need Clarification!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:48 pm
by returnofthefish
I have fish from boat launches before, so I can give some insight from that point of view. Boat launch anglers usually turn around to see if a truck is going to launch a boat. I start to reel in my line and get out of the way when I see the truck backing up. The driver or his buddy usually says "We need to launch the boat".

Now it gets to the point where things get messy. Im out of the way by now. Other elderly people wait till the boat is at thier backs, before they start to move. Sometimes, they only move thier gear (chair, rod holder, rod , and tacklebox) in one foot increments. It might be good to remind them again, that its a boat launch and boaters have right of way. Honk if you have to. I have seen a truck coming inches from backing into an old man.

Most people get out of the way promtly. It's just some bad apples that give boat launch anglers a bad name. I realize that its not a dock. I usually help people at the launch so I can cast out. I only fish from a boat launch 3 times so far this year.

RE:Question/Complaint...Need Clarification!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:04 pm
by ruthven78
Id never let my kids swim at a launch...too many times have I picked up (or snagged) rusty fish hooks, knives, broken bottles, etc from around the launch....Im just glad having to work in healthcare that I keep up on my tetanus shots :)