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Lewis County lakes accessibility??

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:34 pm
by Mr. Black
When I was growing up we would take monthly trips to Duck & Goose Lakes then later up to Nuwaukem Lakes.

Are the forrest service roads still passable up to these lakes? I have not been up that way in over 10 years.

Thinking about taking my old man and my son up there for three generations of trout fising. Maybe even drag out the rubber boat.

The only reason I ask is I noticed there hasn't been any recent reports from these lakes in the reports section of this forum.

RE:Lewis County lakes accessibility??

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 9:53 pm
by Primevci
here is an idea im seriously not trying to be smart ass or anything please believe but why not taking a day trip up there amd checking it out anf then taking the 3 generations up there after :) gl

RE:Lewis County lakes accessibility??

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:06 am
by fishaholictaz
You can go down to your local Forrest Service headquarters and they should have up to date maps of what is open or not..

RE:Lewis County lakes accessibility??

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:34 am
by Mr. Black
No one is being a smart ass here. If I had the time I would make a day trip up that way. My folks don't live in this state anymore but will be passing through for three days or so. I will be working till they arrive.

Calling the forrest service is a good idea.

I guess more or less I was curious if anyone in here has been fishing these old lakes.