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Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:46 am
by Fish On!
I'm thinking of heading over to RW tomorrow for 3-4 days of fishing and wondering how much snow there is. Is the camping area by the upper pens open? I'm going to be tent camping, so I'd like to find some where that's not too bogged down in snow and I'd rather not have to pay $ if I don't have too.

When I go over that way I normally camp on the N. end of Banks Lake at Barker Canyon (free) and commute to RW so any info. on snow conditions around there would be appreciated. Are people ice fishing the N. end of Banks? There's a WDFW access site just N. of Steamboat Rock that has camping, so if the snow isn't too deep I might be able to get in there without too much trouble. Thanks for any update.

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:42 am
by havnfun
hope to do the same be there on wensday. a month ago the camp ground at teh middle pen area was open. nothing there but a couple of fire pits and a out house.
see you httere

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:30 pm
by Bodofish
Camping on the cheap is wonderful but I feel it's important to help the fishery by helping the local economy. Stay in a hotel, eat at a restaurant and have a cool one of your choosing in one of the watering holes. Show the local people that you're not just going there to take away from their community. A little generosity goes a long way, especially when you want to go back. It's not always about doing it on the cheap.
Off Soapbox,

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:55 pm
by ZaraSpook
bodofish, who r u to tell someone to stay in a motel instead of camp, what an ass u r

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:10 pm
by Big D
I just returned home from Rufus Woods this afternoon 5:00 pm 01/11/09
The snow along the lake at Brant's landing is mostly melted with about 1 or 2 inches still on the ground. The roads are wet and clear but right now we are having freezing fog. I think the snow in the area of the pens won’t be much different. Campbell’s resort in Chelan is out as far as a place to stay. I drove by it tonight at about 5:00 pm and it was on fire. The outside temp today was running around 40 until sundown and then it dropped fast. They are not predicting any rain or snow for the next couple of days. I am a local and I don’t care if you stay in a hotel, tent or my back yard as long as you respect the fishery. Have fun and catch your limit.

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:48 pm
by Bodofish
ZaraSpook wrote:bodofish, who r u to tell someone to stay in a motel instead of camp, what an @$$ u r
First off ZaraSpoook, I will express my opinion any time I feel it necessary. Second, it was a suggestion and it helps immeasurably with good will toward out of towners in a small town. Lastly, how about you taking a course in remedial reading and writing and clean up your potty mouth.

PS Who do you think you are? My mother? I won't even hazard a guess as to what you are?

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:02 pm
by The Quadfather
Big D wrote:I just returned home from Rufus Woods this afternoon 5:00 pm 01/11/09
The snow along the lake at Brant's landing is mostly melted with about 1 or 2 inches still on the ground. The roads are wet and clear but right now we are having freezing fog. I think the snow in the area of the pens won’t be much different. Campbell’s resort in Chelan is out as far as a place to stay. I drove by it tonight at about 5:00 pm and it was on fire. The outside temp today was running around 40 until sundown and then it dropped fast. They are not predicting any rain or snow for the next couple of days. I am a local and I don’t care if you stay in a hotel, tent or my back yard as long as you respect the fishery. Have fun and catch your limit.
I don't want to hi-jack the thread.... but seriously, did you mean that Cambell's was burnin'! I love that place.

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:49 pm
by Bodofish
That is terrible! It's a Chelan institution. I've been staying there close to twenty years......

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:12 pm
by kevinb

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:16 pm
by Fish On!
Thank you all for the updated info. Sorry to hear about Campbell's. I hope they were able to get it under control and everyone is safe. Bodofish, I'm on a limited income due to a work disability, so can't afford to spend $$$$ for lodging at a fancy motel. Maybe we can setup a fishing fund for myself and everyone could donate money. I promise I'll spend it locally!.....:cheers:

I spend plenty already for food, gas, gear and licenses. I don't feel like I'm shorting anyone by camping on OUR public lands. All I need is some place to throw up a tent for the night and get up and fish. I know areas on the south side of the river, but doubt with all the snow they would be open. I'm surprised that there's little snow in the Bridgeport area. I was thinking there would be 2-3 ft. If it's like that at the pens then maybe I could get in where I want to go?

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:56 am
by Bodofish
Hey fishon, I'm not singling anyone out, I understand the limited income, I've been on an extended disablity before. I'm not telling anyone what to do, it would just be nice when folks are able. All I'm saying is it goes a long way towards good will.
I flew foot launched gliders for many years all over EW and because of the attitude displayed by my predicessors, contemporaries and to a lesser extent the latest generation (many are takers, not givers) we were always welcomed with open arms and helped when ever we were in need. We always tried to include the local communities and make friends locally. It goes along way when you have a flat on deserted stretch of road, your boat won't start or your truck is stuck down by the lake.
As for the snow, that area is pretty much a desert and as a desert unless you're up in mountains, the snow doesn't generally get that deep or stay deep for long. Snow under the tent can be more comfy and warmer than rocks.
Fish on!

PS Camping at the middle pens is not our public land. It's the Colville Tribes and is a sovereign state so it's theirs.

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:38 am
by Fish On!
I'm aware that the pens are on Native land, I've camped there 6-7 nights last year. It's a bare parking lot with stinky nasty outhouses, no water and very little garbage pick up. The almost constant noise of people pulling in at all hours of the night with motor homes (generators), trailers and boats doesn't bode well for any thought of a good nights sleep when you're in a tent. There's tons of room to expand and improve the camping area and the natives have done nothing. My understanding the pen camping is the only area open right now.

There are alternative camping areas that offer a much better experience IMHO. My question was whether I could reach those areas. If there's only a few inches then there shouldn't be a problem. I'd be very surprised if that's all the snow there is on the N. end by Banks and RW. I don't mind snow camping and enjoy this time of year outdoors, but I am tired of shoveling piles of snow.

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:50 am
by Bodofish
I hear that! From what I've seen they do a pretty darn good job of plowing the roads, at least the main ones. There's a casino on the tribe side of the bridge, so they want to make sure everyone can get there. =)

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:31 am
by havnfun
fishon hope to see you there on wensday or thrusaday save me a spot in the camp site.
F350 silver in color small boat.

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:44 pm
by Big D
GOOD NEWS for Campbell's Resort
CHELAN — A Sunday afternoon fire at a Chelan resort damaged laundry facilities but did not affect guests; a worker for Campbell's Resort on Lake Chelan said this morning. Firefighters from Chelan County Fire District 7 and six other fire departments were dispatched to the fire, first reported at 4:34 p.m., according to RiverCom dispatch records.
Interim fire chief Rusty Stamps said about 70 firefighters were able to bring the fire under control in less than two hours. Office manager Kalee Simmons said the fire was in a separate building from guest rooms and that no guests were evacuated because of the fire. She said that while damage to the resort's spa area was still being assessed, future guest reservations should be unaffected by the fire. Stamps said a jogger first reported the fire to the three-level structure, and that no one was inside when the fire began. The cause of the fire remains under investigation, he said.
— Jaime Adame, World staff

It looks like they are still in business and the good thing is that they are about a 30 minute commute to Rufus Woods.

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:27 pm
by Fish On!
Well the Go West Young Man urge got me and I'm not even a young guy. I'm out at Neah Bay on the NW Coast, so RW will have to wait for a week or two. Took a close look at the weather this morning and couldn't see spending 3-4 days fishing in freezing drizzle and fog, so went coastal. I'm the only one camped here on the beach at Hobuck Beach. I've camped here several times before and by some miracle I have Wi-Fi!

Yes, I did contribute to the Makah tribal coffers with my camping fee, so you can sleep well tonight bodofish. If anyone is looking for a remote get away this is an awesome spot with miles of beach and few people. They rent cabins and it's $15 a night to camp with new bathrooms and showers. Water and firewood, I won't know what to do with myself. You can camp any where you like and free internet!....Don't know about the fishing though. :clown:

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:29 am
by Bodofish
Cool! I like to make a trip for a week or so out there for some king slaying each year. Let us know how you do, I got a 42" ling right out in front of the bay, last year. =)

Hooray for Campbell's! I love to stay there right on either end of the "season".

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:53 am
by Fishing08
Hi All,

Any thoughts on good freshwater fishing (preferably lake) on the peninsula this weekend? Trying to snag a couple of trout. I've been looking around Kitsap/Jefferson County and haven't settled on a final locale yet. Thoughts

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:38 pm
by Mike Carey
I'd start a new thread so you get more people seeing your post than the RW crowd.

RE:Rufus Woods Snow Conditions?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:03 pm
by havnfun
kitsap lake in a couple of weeks should give up some nice hold overs. have not been on it this early. green or brown woolbuggers would be my choice.