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Baker Lake

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:05 pm
by Iwantfish
I'm going to be up Baker Lake way this weekend and was curious if anyone had info they wanted to share on fishing it. We'll either be shore fishing or from an inflatable raft doing the poor man's troll. Not particular on what we go after either except for perch. Nothing against them in particular but I catch plenty on Lake Wa.

RE:Baker Lake

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:58 am
by Bscman
Baker can be a hard lake to fish...especially from an inflatable raft.

I'd concentrate on trout at Depression lake, which is the little resevior on the other side of the rock damn from Baker Lake (at the Baker Lake campground/boat launch). Getting out on a raft makes for decent trout fishing here.

If you're into hiking, there are TONS of lakes worth checking out in the area as well...
Blue Lake is popular, and a short hike that offers E. brooks and a few german browns. The Anderson and Watson lakes offer some nice scenery and decent fishing, but require a couple miles of hiking.

Also, Lake Shuksan is a great one if you want tons of brook trout...but you've almost got to be a goat to get there, as the last few hundred feet drop steeply into the bowl in which the lake lies. It's been a few years since I've been there, but it didn't seem to get much pressure back then.

RE:Baker Lake

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:53 am
by Iwantfish
Ok, I think I know the area you mean...the dam that is about halfway up if you were going to baker lake resort. I've driven around there before.

Is the Blue Lake you are talking about the one where the trailhead is between Rainy Pass and Washington Pass? I've hiked to that one or is there one closer to Baker Lake?

Where I can get to may depend on how many kids I have to...I mean get to take with me while fishing.