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Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:24 pm
by Jollywhite
Just wondering what happened to Kutthroatkilla's awesome Lake Washington reports. I went to show them to my pops but they weren't there. What happened?

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:25 pm
by Fisherman_max
i dont know, does anybody remember what subject they are under?

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:36 pm
by A9
They were here, but they got deleted...

kutthroatkilla got numerous PM's from people who disliked the fact that he was keeping a legal limit from the lake...Some were threatening and he had an on-the-water encounter with a hostile person who also saw the pictures...

The pictures were deleted and kutthroatkilla is no longer on this website due to the threats of some people...

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:42 pm
by Easy Limits
That's too bad he was getting that kind of response. I know I have kept my fair share of trout from the big lake.

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:43 pm
by Fisherman_max
that is not right!

kutthroatkilla was a very good asset to this site and he gets threatened for keeping a legal limit of fish!

sometimes i question the nerve that some people have! if you dont like it when people keep what they catch and its within the law you should keep it to yourself! dont ruin other peoples fun

so let me get this straight! somebody saw the pictures and confronted him when they saw him at the lake?

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:45 pm
by zen leecher aka Bill W
I wonder how many trout a 22 mile long lake holds? I wonder if anyone would realize it doesn't make any difference how many are taken. Lake WA is classed as an underfished lake.

I know there are jillions of yellow perch in it and it shouldn't make a difference if people keep buckets of them. I bought a viewing camera over x-mas and will take a few trips to study the the bottom and fish.

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:57 pm
by A9
Fisherman_max wrote:that is not right!

kutthroatkilla was a very good asset to this site and he gets threatened for keeping a legal limit of fish!

sometimes i question the nerve that some people have! if you dont like it when people keep what they catch and its within the law you should keep it to yourself! dont ruin other peoples fun

so let me get this straight! somebody saw the pictures and confronted him when they saw him at the lake?
It sounds like he received multiple PM's from people who were "disappointed" to say the least that he was keeping his limit (legal in all respects, mind you) and some also left some comments under his reports...He also had a run in with someone on the water who also gave him some stern words...

Kutthroakilla is gone now. I would probably have done the same if I was getting harassed and had my picture out there for people to recognize me. It's unfortunate that he is no longer with us on the forums, but it was probably smart of him to leave the site and get rid of all the pictures of him....

It's too bad that a few members and lurkers of the site chased off a fine member....

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:36 pm
by Drewp
Wow. All I can say is wow.

I'd love to see those people gave me some stern words on the lake.

Peace out Killa.

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:26 pm
by caskillet
This just jerks my chain to no end. I run into the same opinions about the REQUIREMENT for C&R on another site and get into some interesting debates about it, NONE of which have held enough merit any shift in my opinion of the practice - that C&R within the law is a personal choice, not an opportunity for others to pass judgement. By killing the post and deleting pics, we're pandering to a group of folks who have opinions that are no way based on facts or scientific knowledge. I mean, the cutts in lake WA are probably one of the most underfished, under-utilized resources in ANY metropolitan fishery in the United States. I would doubt if they see a 5% exploitation rate, and I'd bet nearly any freshwater biologist will tell you that the acceptable rate for these fish is between 15-30%, depending on the watershed. I'd go so far as to say a SIGNIFICANT % of the cutt population dies of old age on Lake Wa without ever seeing a lure...
Obscuring the face, etc., sure, that might just be good practice for any internet posting, but to take it down?? Man, I was really liking the pics, including those of the bait, new egg skien, etc.
Rutt, c'mon back. Don't let them fools run you out of here...

Filet and release on Lake Washington.

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:37 pm
by Rob G.
I can't believe it, I would have never even ventured into the forum section of this site if not for Killa! Now I got guys giving me tips on where to fish and what not....Don't let these fools run you outa here Kut....bring back the posts and the pics...let the mods take care of these tree huggin idiots!

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:45 pm
by gpc
Wow I didnt know he ran into people on the water. Thats just wrong. He knew Lake WA pretty well, but its not like he was limiting out everyday. He hooked up with 2 back to back limits, not a limit everyday for a month or 2. I guess some people are just bad fisherman, its not their fault they just lack the skill and knowledge to have a successful day on the water, so they are only left with one thing to do, harass the decent fisherman. All the people with less than kind words for legal successful fisherman, just do us a favor and stop fishing

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:06 pm
by Shad_Eating_Grin
It's really too bad that it came to this. Those folks giving him a hard time for keeping a legal limit, need to get a life.

The WDFW eased the limits on smallmouth bass. One thing is for sure, when I slaughter those legal smallies and drop them into hot cooking oil this spring/summer, I won't be posting about it.

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:15 pm
by Jollywhite
You got to be kidding me! He hooked is limit 2 straight days. What is wrong with that? For all those Kutthroatkilla haters out there, GET A LIFE!! Kutthroatkilla was an asset to this site and I sincerely hope that in time, he will eventually come back. I guess some people are just sore losers.

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:07 pm
by Gringo Pescador
That sucks - If anyone has contact with him, please pass on the support he is recieving via this string. And that I for one would be honored to get the chance to fish out of the same boat with him. I hope he returns.

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:37 pm
by Aaron
Just to be clear, the pics, posts and reports were removed at his request.

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:57 pm
by fishnislife
NO WAY! This just blows! Stupid f-ing people. I bet it wasn't people who give to this site as much as he has. So why should they be the ones who dictate how things go around here and what people do?
If your reading this Kutt send me an email, I want to stay in touch. In fact, come back under another alias. We will know who you are. :thumright
I really don't know what to say without getting myself kicked off, so I will just end here.


RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:24 pm
by irishrogue
Truly insane.

I'm sure he's reading this so KNOW you are right, my friend. Don't like the extremists (yes, I use that word knowingly) ruin this for you.

And if you EXTREMIST jerks are reading this -- you are part of the PROBLEM. Yeah that's right the PROBLEM. You live in a country founded on the principles of freedom and tolerance and you decide that your OPINION is more important than its LAWS and TOLERANCE. What a bunch of bozos. You know what you are? BIGOTS. You're C&R BIGOTS.

Good lord. It's a 22,000 acre lake, and he caught his limit. I tell you what. Count to 22,000 before you reply.

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:25 pm
by irishrogue
By the way, Killa, drop me a note here, or on any of the other local fishing boards where I'm registered (same alias) and we can continue our conversation and planning.

RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:42 pm
by fishnislife
So does this mean that all his threads are deleted? All that information that he and others shared are gone? #-o
I see that Tyler_25Wilkersen is in the place of all his started threads. His posts are not there (which makes reading the posts interesting) but his threads are still here. Cool, but if this is his real name, I think something should be done to change that user name to something generic so he doesn't suffer from it. Just an idea. I will delete the name mentioned above if this is the case.


RE:Lake Washington Pics.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:17 pm
by Fisherman_max
what a big old dissapointment.

we all feel for you kutthroatkilla! keep on doing what you do best! slaying those cutties on LW