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Crappie Fishing

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 8:02 pm
by TMBob
Since I started Lake fishing In November, Crappie has been on my mind because I have never caught one before, yet I have bought a bunch of stuff in order to do so with.

I am looking for tips, lakes and gear info in order for me to catch some. I fish lakes were I have been told that are plenty of Crappie and I know that it's about that time. I am 2 minutes from Coulon Park (S Lake Wa) and close enough to Boren, Phantom and a few other that might hold Crappie. I also Fish a lake that produces large Crappie because it is Catch and Release Lake.

I like the slip bobber technique, but I am open. I plan to catch and release all of my fish no matter the size so I won't be hogging your fish.

Thanks in advance,

Bob G

Re: Crappie Fishing

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:22 pm
by Juniah87
If you don't mind a bit of a drive, Silver Lake in Cowlitz County had a TON of crappie in it. They aren't biting yet (I just got back from there 2 days ago!) the water temp is still a bit too cold (overnight temps still near freezing) but come May or so after the water temps rise, find yourself some lilly pads and it's hard to keep them OFF your hook! At least that's the way it was the last time I went fishing there int he summertime, but it was about a decade ago. They loved rattletraps. I remember trying to catch largemouth with one and I couldn't stop hooking black crappie. Good luck in your search!

Re: Crappie Fishing

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:06 pm
by jjones206
Blueberry(Larsen Lake) has crappie over on the eastside(Bellevue) there are tons of lakes in Snohomish County that have crappie, fairly decent size to em for eatin. South bound I hear they are there but have yet to venture down there. I would look for reports specifically targeting Crappie, I have a handful posted over the years, latest one yesterday from last week. Feel free to PM me. Next time your out good luck! Tight Lines

Re: Crappie Fishing

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 7:48 pm
by TMBob
Thanks for the get backs. I was at a lake today that I scooped out a few spots were Crappie might earlier. Then I was told that there was indeed some in the lakes and since I was using a Trout Magnet for Trout, I went over to this spot and tossed in my TM and Slip Bobber between some overhead low branches. I get a monster hit that took the bobber under very fast and sorta back toward some the shore line which about 8 feet away. Missed it, to fast and I really was not expecting much other than a nibbling type of bite. One cast, but this time my Pontoon started to drift to quickly to keep the bobber in its prime spot TM I go to the oars, and I got another hit but no where near as violent. Miss it too.

So was my first hit a Bass? I caught a whole lot of trout this weekend and only a few sorta hit like that. Moreof a slow take under or slight bobbing of the bobber.

I'll get one soon and it will be on a Trout Magnet for sure.

Re: Crappie Fishing

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:22 pm
by Juniah87
That sounds like a perch strike. Perch hang out on the bottom in weed cover, dart up for food, then back down, so when they hit, especially on a bobber rig, it looks very aggressive. But it's hard to tell, I've caught trout that bit like bluegill, and catfish that bit like trout, it depends on the particular fish's temperment and state of mind.

Re: Crappie Fishing

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:44 pm
by TMBob
I finally caught some Crappie today....three 11-12".....I was targeting them but had no clue if there were active yet at this little lake. Two people told me nothing yet, both live on the lake, yet I found a few. See my report.

Re: Crappie Fishing

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:58 pm
by TrackerPro16
Two people told me nothing yet, both live on the lake =D> :^o [-( =; [biggrin] [biggrin] [biggrin]

Now THAT is funny right there!