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Re: Good early alpinelakes

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 12:12 pm
by cwbraue
I might be heading to boardman, coal, pass and independence tomorrow... there wouldn't be a crowd other than a few hikers
Memorial day weekend there should be tons of people out there.

Re: Good early alpinelakes

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 2:34 pm
by Eglseder
I have always wanted to walk in and fish Pass lake, but the one possible time, my daughter was hiking with me, and she got bored, and back to the car we went.
If you get in there soon, maybe send me a PM or something. Just would like to hear the layout, what you think of it, etc.
I will be going back soon and will definitely let you know how it goes.

So I hit up boardman and evans this morning. Not a sole there and steady rain all morning. Evans was dead, not one surface. Boardman was fairly active and I had some fun with little brookies. Not much room for my fly rod though. Missed a few fish as well. I think I beat the memorial rush...which was the plan. Still might walk in somewhere else this weekend.

Re: Good early alpinelakes

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 12:27 pm
by meandermeadows
Well, l hiked into lake Dorothy yesterday and got my butt soaked. The trail was in pretty bad shape. Probably something in the neighborhood of 30 trees downed, lots of them big ones that required climbing over or around. I would not take small kids up there.

I got in really early and hiked around the lake, as my ultimate destination was Bear lake, and I was staying fairly warm as long as I kept moving. I had my dog, Halle with me as well. Halle is a small (50 lbs) German shepherd and she does well on the trail. That being said, she is also my wife's service dog, so I needed to make sure my decisions were sound.

We made it as far as the creek crossing. We could see the trail across the creek...and by creek, I mean river. There was a lot of water, moving very swiftly, and, while there was a trail of boulders to walk across, we were already wet and crossing just didn't feel like a good idea. At that point the rain was starting to subside, so I decided to head back to Dorothy and throw in a line. About two minutes later the downpour came, which confirmed my decision to turn back. Over the course of the next 15 minutes we went from wet to drenched and cold. We bagged the fishing and got the hell out of there. Mother nature won this time...but I lived to tell about it.

Halle...well, once we got back to the truck and got the heater going, she was asleep in minutes :)

Re: Good early alpinelakes

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:40 pm
by Dave M
We made the trip to Dorothy and bear last year, didn't fish much at Dorothy, we caught a nice rainbow and a lake trout at bear. I read that there is a pretty severe slide along Dorothy that was preventing folks from making it to the creek, aside from downed trees was it bad? That climb from Dorothy to bear is a kicker. Later in july we are going up from the Snoqualmie lake side.
Annette is a nice hike, if you go on a weekday. Weekends it is crowded.
Cottonwood does not have much shore line, mirror just above it has quite a bit, and is supposed to have goldens.
The one I really liked was summit lake down past carbanado, pretty easy hike, all we saw last year were small brookies, but the lots of action. with the bonus of great views on a clear day. Well worth the drive. Last report I saw the lake is partially thawed.