Rachel lake

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Rachel lake

Post by jake_k » Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:48 am

my friends and i are going up to rachel lake next week as a graduation gift to our selves and i jsut wanted to know a few things.
first: Will fishing be good this time of year if it is even open
second: Is it legal to camp up there
I have only ever been car camping so this will be an experience for me

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Mike Carey
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RE:Rachel lake

Post by Mike Carey » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:55 am

jake_k wrote:my friends and i are going up to rachel lake next week as a graduation gift to our selves and i jsut wanted to know a few things.
first: Will fishing be good this time of year if it is even open
second: Is it legal to camp up there
I have only ever been car camping so this will be an experience for me

Here's my Blog article and video on Rachel and Rampart lakes:


As to your questions:

fishing was great when I was there - if it is open - that's a big "if". The lake may still be snowed in, I don't know. You can check the Forest Service site and they should have the information posted.

Legal to camp - yes, it's legal to camp but there may be restrictions on camping within a certain distance, or with fires above a certain elevation. These will usually be posted on either the Forest Service site or at the trailhead bulletin board.

Rachel is a tough hike and very steep with a creek that runs down parts of the trail - in early runoff it could be pretty dangerous.

Let us know how you do...

"Takers get the honey, Givers sing the blues".

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