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Sportsmans Show

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:50 am
by Rosann G
Hey guys and gals the NW TigerPac Muskies Inc. chapter has a booth at the Sportsmans Show this year. Stop by and say hello. It would be great to put some faces with all of your names/nicknames. Toni stopped by today and said hi. It was fun to get to visit with you Toni.

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:41 am
by Dr Hook
I was nice meeting you all, especially KUP who took time out to look me up at the show. That replica you have at the booth is impressive!

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:55 pm
by Toni
It scared me. I keep hearing the Jaws music. My what big teeth you have. But if I hooked one I would probably be hooked in more ways than the Gami. Nice meeting you, too. All of you that I met at the Show.

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:37 am
by muskyhunter
Hey folks,
Here is a photo of the two First Ladies of Chapter 57 at the Sportsmans show. Janurary 23rd. Com on down and visit our booth. In the North Expo Center. Great raffle for only a buck. $500 Sportsmans warehouse gift certificate,100 gallons of fuel from APP, an inflatable lifejacket and two others...come on down!!

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:47 pm
by 2000subaru
I'll be by this afternoon with Dilbert. Hope to meet a few of you great folks there!

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:24 am
by mtsiview
I stopped by the booth at the show today, Great job mark, Rosann, Bill and the rest of the members that made it happen.

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:36 pm
by dilbert
There were about 5 booths at the show that interested me. Muskies inc. was one of them. I finally got some fluorocarbon leaders (wish I had bought more) and some great info, even though Deadeye didn't recognize me. I have some more questions about the leaders, but I'll ask them in another thread later. Great booth!

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:38 pm
by travislikesfishing
whurs the show at?

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:27 pm
by Toni
It was in Puyallup WA. There will be one in Portland the beginning of Feb. the 6-10.

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:42 pm
by Toni
travislikesfishing wrote:whurs the show at?
It looks like there might be one March 14-17 at the Spokane Fairgrounds, that will feature 240 exhibitors covering the gamut from hunting to fishing to family outdoor adventures.

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:27 am
by travislikesfishing
cool thx

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:56 pm
by michaelunbewust
the one in spokane is huge, and, i believe is part of the "bighorn" show. even if they are separate, they are worth every cent spent on admission. there isnt an empty space out at the ol' fairgrounds, and, the guys running it leave nothing behind. i spent the better part of 2 days last year with my dad and his veteran buddies, and, we didnt see everything. i didnt make it to this local one in puyallup, and, heard it was pretty good, but, would recommend the spokane one to anybody. we are going to carpool over for it, if anyone's interested. marc. m., have you heard anything over there about it??

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:19 pm
by bad esox

I wanted to take the time to say thanks to all those who stopped by our booth at the "Sportsman Show". I want you to know that I enjoyed speaking with you all. What a great crowd! I saw many "old friends" and made many, many "new ones" as well. I hope to see you at one of our Muskies Inc. Meetings in Federal Way this year. Please "Come On Down" as they say on the Price Is Right! Come learn some more about muskies and also to make some new friendships. I think we have a great group of people in our Chapter and I want you to meet them also.

Thanks to our many Sponsors that helped make our trip to the "Show" possible. Please check out our web page and help support their businesses. This was Muskies Inc., Chapter 57, NW Tiger Pac's first show ever, and we found out just how much work these shows can be! I have to give you guys a hand that do this on a regular basis...great job! I must admit, however, that it was very rewarding to meet so many interested Anglers from all walks of life. It was a great time and enjoyed by all.

Perhaps, one of the coolest things that happened for me at the show was my wife surprised me with a brand new "St. Croix" Muskie Rod for our Anniversary... that we also celebrated at the show! Thanks to the "guys" in the St. Croix booth for helping her pick out the "perfect" Muskie Rod a "Legend Tournament"...This is by far the best rod I have ever owned!!!! You guys rock!!!

I will end this by saying thanks once again to all of those of you who stopped by to "check us out". I would also like to thank the many members of Chapter 57 who donated their time and knowledge to also help make this happen.

Let's all have a great 2008!

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:47 pm
by gpc
I stopped by and entered the raffle. The guy I talked to wasnt a member of WA lakes, but he was a really nice guy and I talked to him for a few minutes. There was 3 or 4 people running the booth and I was checking out their name tags but didnt reconize any of the names. I believe thats where I got my sportmans warehouse magnet as well. I cant remember the guys name that I talked to, but like I said he was VERY nice and really knew his tigers, not to mention he was very passionate about muskies. I have plans on attending the april 17th meeting, and will do so unless something comes up. If the club has more members like the man that I talked to, I cant go wrong attending a meeting or 2.

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:04 am
by Rosann G
Sorry I missed you GPC, Dilbert and Subaru and anyone else from here that stopped by the Muskie booth when I wasn't there. I did get to meet Gringo P. , Toni and Dr. Hook and it is always nice to get to put a face with a name from this site, it is full of such nice people. Would have been nice to get to visit a little more but maybe someday somewhere on a lake we will get to.

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:37 am
by 2000subaru
Rosann G wrote:Sorry I missed you GPC, Dilbert and Subaru and anyone else from here that stopped by the Muskie booth when I wasn't there. I did get to meet Gringo P. , Toni and Dr. Hook and it is always nice to get to put a face with a name from this site, it is full of such nice people. Would have been nice to get to visit a little more but maybe someday somewhere on a lake we will get to.
Rosann- Well it's definitely your loss! Just kidding. We enjoyed the show, the booth was excellent, the people were great and very informative. You folks have some very passionate individuals that are spreading the word about the sport. Now if you can only keep them all off of Lake Tapps, so that I have a better chance to catch one!:-"

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:11 pm
by KUP
Hi subaru: I know that feeling! But think about this: If we do a great job of TEACHING proper release methods
(proper net, horizontal holds, lightening quick time out of water, angler care around those teeth, not playing them too long, good hook removal & tools) then that WILL increase your chances of catching & releasing one because the mortality rate will go down and that is good for muskie and anlger & WDFW, all.
Hope to see you out on Tapps and I will even show you where I caught my first one.
... ok, ok, so it is my only one ...
LOL... so far!


RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:51 pm
by 2000subaru
You can't have a second without having a first!

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:02 pm
by HillbillyGeek
There will be a sportsmans show @ Monroe in mid-February for those of us who live farther north. :thumright

RE:Sportsmans Show

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:22 pm
by zen leecher aka Bill W
Are you Musky clubbers having a booth at the Monroe show? I missed your booth as the Clallam Bay guards were trying to get me to work there. Guess I was right next to you.