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Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:27 pm
by raffensg64
Gents, I'm not a musky fisherman, but have had the unique pleasure of seeing two of these fish caught through the ice on Silver this year. One was relatively easy to land (5 minutes) on a full size rod and 10# test, while the other one required over 25 minutes due to a 30" ultralight jigging rod with 4# test!!! The latter was my buddy's fish and I got the assist, donning leather gloves to "jaw" the beast and ice him. Turning a head that size up through an 8" hole is no easy feat! That lower jaw is something else, and would give Bill Cowher a complex! These fish measured 41" and 39" respectively.

Both fish had a markedly crooked back, like a pointed hump, about halfway down their lengths. I've sometimes seen deformed rainbows in this same condition. My question is, is this normal for tiger muskies? Maybe a "side effect" of their hybrid beginnings?

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:00 pm
by sparky1doug
There are several causes for crooked back fish. Diet can be one, improper release, hatchery handling of the young fish. It revolves around dislocation of the bones and the healing of the problem. Many never heal and die as a result. If a fish is held by the tail and they trash alot it can pull the joints apart which may not fall back into place thus crooked back. There are more technical terms for the process but thats the just of it.

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:56 pm
by dougw
Guess that answers my questions earlier this year as to whether you could be successful catching tigers through the ice!

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:05 pm
by YJ Guide Service
I think its more of a luck thing lol otherwise you'd here of more people catching them. Wonder what the fish were caught on as far as lures.

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:19 pm
by raffensg64
dougw, I've seen one hook-up a day for the last three days. For the 3 weeks prior to that, absolutely nothing except for perch. It started a few days ago with tigers slowly buzzing the holes, just under the ice, as we landed perch. That night I hooked one at 5:00 and remembered thinking "I'm gonna be here all night"......24" UL jigging rods and 4 lb. test are not the best weapons for these guys. Thankfully he threw the hook after a few minutes. The next day a guy got a 41" on a full size rod with 12 lb test and 10 lb. leader. This one was landed in only 5 minutes. Then Motor1's 39" tiger today.

We are getting these fish on our perch rigs. We use small Kastmasters and Swedish Pimples tipped with maggots or perch eyes. Two fish on silver and Motor's on a perch colored Kastmaster. 2 of the 3 hook-ups were from suspended fish that took while our lures were dropping. Easy to see......when your line suddenly stops feeding at 15-20' into a hole that's 40', something's up. Seems as though they grab anything that flutters near them. I did set up a heavy action jigging rod/reel with 10 lb. test and perch colored spoon. Am going to try and target these guys after what I've seen these past few days. I've fished Silver a lot this winter and am only just recently seeing lots of tiger activity. First 20 trips, nothing. Last 3 trips, tigers every day. Maybe just a coincidence, but only time will tell.

My buddy laughingly says the "hunchbacks" are just like the local heron. The heron patiently waits to be thrown a few fish. Likewise, these "jacked up" muskies hang around waiting for released, struggling dink perch that we throw back. He could very well be right! We've seen them right at our holes on a few occasions!

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:26 pm
by Marc Martyn
Where on Silver Lake?

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:54 pm
by Mark K
Guess it's time to hit Silver eh Doug! Lol. Good to hear your having success. I still can't wait until the Ice is off though!

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:54 am
by sparky1doug
Sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to cure the cabin fever. So I'm guessing top water baits are completly out but the casting would sure be easy.

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:11 am
by YJ Guide Service
Are you guys keeping the Tigers?

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:02 am
by Bill G
They posted over in the fishing reports about them and said they were released. They know about the size limit.

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:04 am
by Jay K
Yankin Jaw Guide Service wrote:Are you guys keeping the Tigers?
Raffen's reports say C&R; They know the 50" rule for retaining tigers (although it's not quite fair if your fish has scoliosis).

RE:Silver Lake Tigers

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:36 pm
by KUP
raffensg64, nicely done! Thanks for returning them to the lake, too. Some biologists believe that hump can come from dropping them in the boat, or worse, on their backs on the edge of the boat.
Even though most muskie anglers do their best to handle them properly, a fish that size has a lot of muscle mass and when she goes to struggling to get free, it can be a handful.
BTW, great horizontal hold, too.

Wish you could post that picture from the Ice Fishing Forum on here, too.