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Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:19 pm
by YJ Guide Service
I feel a little friendly challenge going out to the members of Chapter 57 from Chapter 60. The total inches from the top 2 fish from each chapter that are recorded at the tournament will win the coveted golden bucket trophy. A member can only weigh in one fish, so it will take two people to weigh in for a chapter to register two fish tword the Coveted Golden Bucket. This trophy will be given to the chapter to hold and display at their meetings or where ever until next years Curlew Lake Tournament. The chapters name will be printed on the side of the trophy with expensive black marker. So everyone support your chapter and well see you at Curlew on Sept 24th... good fishing everyone..... Go Chapter 60 Mountain Muskies

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:39 pm
by cudaman
well i think thats awfully nice of you guys to offer up your coveted golden bucket to us .I mean well take care of it for at least acouple years . but dont worry ,we;ll let you guys look at it once and awhile LOL

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:56 pm
by dougw
Looks like things are gonna get deep in here..... Better put on the waders for this one. :)

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:59 pm
by YJ Guide Service
Well lets not get ahead of ourselves now cudaman. The trophy is built on this side of the state and it fits perfect in our chapter trophy case. We'll be lucky if the thing last a few years lol... no one said it was going to last a few years, but since chapter 60 will have it i know its in safe hands...

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:43 pm
by sparky1doug
Craig, is that the old trophy from the International Order of Snipe Hunter's Lodge of Elk Washington? We're not going to let the new kids on the block steal our lunch money. Let the Tiger trash'n begin. I'm with Cudaman, it on!

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:45 am
by YJ Guide Service
Lunch money heck were going to steal your coats too. Its time for the old dogs to get a good ole butt woupin from the young pups lol......

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:06 am
by cudaman
Well i might be old and i might be a dog but there,s no way your gettin my coat .Besides i just spent last night creating the deadliest glide baits and a bucktail that will bring every muskie in a 1\4 right to the boat .So that i;ll be able to hand pick the toad I need to smoke you guys with .But i,ve gotta go, im on my way to put the hurt on some muskies in Tapps right now .

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:20 pm
by MoMo
All right boys, now after the tournament at Newman, we all know that the Chapter 60 women are going to take the tournament and put you old and young dogs in your place. Which may look something like a dog house. We do have the secret weapon after all.

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:09 pm
by cudaman
Oh oh looks like some in chapter competition . Thats all the distraction CH#57 needs to win the bucket .You do know its 24hrs i hope you all are up for it

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:15 am
by YJ Guide Service
I think she ate to much apple pie and it made her forget who the competion is. She also forgot whos going to win the whole thing and the golden bucket for HIS team, ME. LOL. I already know that sparky is easily distracted so im bringing my snipe whistle, whenever i blow the whistle its like calling hungry bear to dinner, sparky comes a running lol. 24hrs i could do that in my sleep, i fish just about everyday so whats another days worth. Cant wait for chapter 60 to represent in a big way.

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:37 am
by sparky1doug
You fall for one snipe call and your scarred for life, honest I swore it was the whistle for another round. Craig, look what happens when you teach the women folk to fish. They kick your fanny then make you clean their fish. Mel and Alishia should be handicapped by using only pink spinners with frilly skirts. Remember, those who can do, those who can't teach. I'm living proof of that. 24 hours non-stop Tiger fishing, we'll have one doctor on staff for chapter 57's arm repairs and at least one doc for the Mountain Muskies, humiliation therapy.

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:54 am
by MoMo
How do you know that the pink spinner with frilly skirts aren't my secret weapon. Maybe that is the bait that Craig has been using to catch all his fish. Craig is very secure in his masculinity and not afraid to use pink. He has been a very good teacher, but unfortunatley I do the fish cleaning. No humilation therapy will be needed, we will just have to careful to not gloat too much. If Chapter 57 is lucky maybe I will feed them some homemade humble apple pie.

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:14 am
by sparky1doug
OOPS ruffled MoMo's feathers. Nice volley! Yum, humble apple pie, does that come alamode?

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:25 am
by MoMo
You bet! Humble apple pie alamode for everyone!! (in chapter 57 that is).

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:26 am
by KUP
I'd like to see a picture of this fancy smancy trophy when its ready... just so we know how much room to make on the TIGER PAC Wall of Fame.:queen: [rolleyes]
But we are going to have to be strong; MoMo's pies are almost worth throwing the tourney for.
ALMOST. :chef:

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:29 pm
by dougw
I am working on plans to make the tournament, JUST to help insure the trophy stays where it belongs! Right on our little Shelf...... :)

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:34 am
by dougw
Okay..... I have twisted my vacation every which way I could, but bottom line, I can't make Curlew due to time constraints put on my fellow hunters..... I'll have to rely on the very capable hands of our membership to keep the Trophy where it belongs, hanging on our nail..... Don't all good trophies hang on a nail? ;)

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:48 pm
by YJ Guide Service
I'm not so sure this trophy would support itself on a nail lol. Either way we have room on our Chapter 60 shelf for it. Man cant belive your going to make us beat 57 without you, dont you want to help feed the humble pie....

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:50 pm
by dougw
I would love to be there, but I just can't do it this year.......... Unless something changes.....

RE:Curlew Lake Challenge put out to CH 57 MI from CH 60 MI

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:04 pm
by MoMo
:flower: Ooooohhhhh!!!! I can just see that pretty frilly pink skirt trophy on our shelf! The masterpiece is almost complete! Go chapter 60!!!