1st Annual Pend Orielle River Pike Tournament

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RE:1st Annual Pend Orielle River Pike Tournament

Post by Lucius » Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:15 pm

Riverman wrote:Why would you encourage anglers to release large fish but keep those under 28-30 inches?

Are there too many pike?

Just seems odd that you encourage the release of some fish and the killing of others. Little fish turn into big fish.

You bring up a good point, but the reason we would like to encourage the release of larger fish and keeping of smaller ones is to preserve the trophy fish so that they can pass along their genes to the next generation. The big ones have lived for quite a while and have proven that they have very desirable genes that many fishermen would like to see in the upcoming generation of pike. Not only that, but if everyone were to keep the big fish, eventually there would be only small fish (this happened in Minnesota and they are currently on the rebound in some lakes) and I don't think any angler wants that. Everyone likes to catch big fish and we don't want to see the precious trophy fish become a thing of the past.

Encouraging anglers to keep the smaller ones is to help keep the fishery a sort of checks and balances. When pike are younger and still experiencing their high grow rates (6+ inches a year) their metabolism is extremely high and therefore they have ferocious appetites. Add that with very successful spawn and you have a bunch of little pike with the same appetites competing against each other for food. If the numbers get too high, they can be detrimental to other fish species (pike tend to have a bad but sometimes true image of this exact scenario). In turn by releasing the larger pike, they too will help keep the smaller ones in check, because pike are an opportunistic feeder and will normally feed on whatever is easy and most prevalent.

Hope this make some sense as to the regulation on releasing the larger pike and keeping the smaller ones. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to comment.


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RE:1st Annual Pend Orielle River Pike Tournament

Post by AdsBot [Google] » Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:08 pm

Gone Fishin,
I have been thinking about the judge boat idea and I think that might not work. I know that with my own boat, it is designed for bass and not Pike and keeping a fish alive long enough to get it to a judge boat to have it meseared would be a challenge. I know that you also like many of us have had challenges with reviveing fish before putting them back and the added stess might kill fish. I would be devistated if I caught a 40+ inch fish and killed it trying to get it over to a judge boat. There must be another way. I think the picture idea or having a ride along judge might be best.

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RE:1st Annual Pend Orielle River Pike Tournament

Post by AdsBot [Google] » Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:19 pm

Riverman wrote:Why would you encourage anglers to release large fish but keep those under 28-30 inches?

Are there too many pike?

Just seems odd that you encourage the release of some fish and the killing of others. Little fish turn into big fish.

I fished up there about a half dozen times last year and there is a abundance of bait fish around. I would think that catch and release of all Pike would make sense until there is a reason to do diffrent. CoeurdAlene had this same Pike explosion and then tappered off after it found a balance and the PO river is said by the boilogists to most likely to do the same. Keeping fish might ruin it down the road as it gets increased pressure. Especually since most of the locals up there are keeping all that they catch too. The indians have the right to keep pretty much all they want as well. That is just my two cents worth. Obviously everyone pays for a license and as long as they follow the rules each has the right to make that decision on their own. I am just out there for the fight.

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RE:1st Annual Pend Orielle River Pike Tournament

Post by kevinb » Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:16 pm

tollefs wrote:
Riverman wrote:Why would you encourage anglers to release large fish but keep those under 28-30 inches?

Are there too many pike?

Just seems odd that you encourage the release of some fish and the killing of others. Little fish turn into big fish.

I fished up there about a half dozen times last year and there is a abundance of bait fish around. I would think that catch and release of all Pike would make sense until there is a reason to do diffrent. CoeurdAlene had this same Pike explosion and then tappered off after it found a balance and the PO river is said by the boilogists to most likely to do the same. Keeping fish might ruin it down the road as it gets increased pressure. Especually since most of the locals up there are keeping all that they catch too. The indians have the right to keep pretty much all they want as well. That is just my two cents worth. Obviously everyone pays for a license and as long as they follow the rules each has the right to make that decision on their own. I am just out there for the fight.
Agreed, with no regulations on pike I'd release all of them, I understand the gene pool concept but who's to know
if the little ones or hammer handles are of the same pool or not.
I have no degree in fish science or biology...just a thought is all.

Hey GF,send some flyers my way and I'll post 'em up.

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RE:1st Annual Pend Orielle River Pike Tournament

Post by eustace » Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:06 pm

I think someone should starte a campain to get a state min size and daily limit on pike. At least on the Pend orielle River. Why do I say that, I was talking to my nieghbor and he constantly fishes the P R for pike and keeps every pike he catches and he claims he came back last spring on one trip with his brother and kept over thirty pike. I think pike are excellent table fair and as more people discover that the more we will see people fishing for and keeping pike.

Personally I like the slot size idea and maybe keep one over a certain size. The reason I like that Idea is if to many are in there they will over populate and that will stunt there growth. They are ferociuos eaters and often in systems they are introduced they at first get extrodenarelly large untill they over populate and reduce the popuation of there pray. Basically I am agreeing with tollefs to a point.

If we want to keep this fishery a trophy pike fishery we need to act! Any body from the WDFW reading this please input on this topic. This could turn in to a slight economic boom for PO county another consideration that should be on the table.

P.S. Howdy kevinb
Well its not called Catching!

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RE:1st Annual Pend Orielle River Pike Tournament

Post by muskyhunter » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:50 pm

Hey kids,
I'm in the catch,photo and release grouping too. I think its best. Not sure but I would think you'd have a problem with a catch and keep tourney. Not sure how many judge boats you have lined up. And or how wide of an area your fishing boundaries are going to be.But I will say just from my experience,that the judge boat thing does work very good. And as far as keeping the fish alive.All you'd have to do is keep the fish in the net. Get the fish in the net measure it while its in the net, call a judge boat or even you could call a buddy thats out there. you'd have your witness to verify the catch.I don't know make it a 30" minimum.Write it down on a sheet of paper.Have your witness(s) sign off and then you'd be on your way. And so would the fish. I think that everyone is trying to make this a bit too difficult.Are you planning on going with total inches?Or total fish caught? Or both? Or biggest fish?

So GF..I still have not seen the entrance fee. Times and where exactly. Me and a buddy want in. Just need a few of the important items to be posted. March is now just around the corner we need to set up accomodations. I know you are probably busy. not trying to be pushy. I just got the itch man...Todd
Last edited by Anonymous on Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Todd Reis
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RE:1st Annual Pend Orielle River Pike Tournament

Post by Don Wittenberger » Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:07 pm

Good chance I'll be in the Spokane area in mid-April, as I'm interested in attending a Spokane Bar Association legal seminar on April 10 and I've already signed up for one in Chelan on April 23 - 25. Naturally I'm thinking of bringing my boat and doing some fishing in between. I hardly ever fish in tournaments, but I may be in your vicinity on April 18-19, in case you need a non-fishing judge for your tourney.
Last edited by Anonymous on Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:1st Annual Pend Orielle River Pike Tournament

Post by Gone Fishin » Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:28 am

Sorry its taking me so long guys but all the info will be out this week I promise! I will mail signup information to those of you not in the Spokane area, or you will likely be able to go into any Joe's Sports, Outdoor and More and get the sing up info there. Will most likely be Wednesday, I will keep you all posted.

The encouraging the smaller fish to be kept comment I made earlier, let me phrase it a little different. If a fisherman would like to keep fish, I will encourage them to keep the smaller fish rather than the larger fish. People keeping some of these fish is not likely to harm the population up there. Pike are so great at spawning, with >100,00 eggs it doesn't take long to replenish numbers. I spoke with Bill Baker of WDFW and he did not see a problem with it.

As far as the regulations for size and minimum, they are working on it. They will be conducting studies up there during the spring and summer in order to really get an idea of how many are in there. At some point after that they will work on setting regulations.

As of right now I think it will end up being a photo finish. Judge boats would require me to restrict the boundaries more and getting the number of boats needed is not easy. I think we will exchange phone numbers with a few other people and then you have to photo the fish and have a witness. Any forseen problems with this? The witness thing is just a last minute idea. Unless something comes up inthe next 2 days it will be photographs. There could be issues with having a witness so its just an idea.

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RE:1st Annual Pend Orielle River Pike Tournament

Post by muskyhunter » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:10 pm

I am definatley looking forward to this challenge. I think you'll handle all the rules and such in a very professional manner. See yah, todd
Todd Reis
Prostaff Auburn Sports & Marine
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