Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

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Don Wittenberger
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Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Don Wittenberger » Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:19 pm

I've sent $25.00 and the following letter to WDFW. I've also asked Chapter 57 to send a club donation, and I'm asking Washington Lakes readers to send in donations. It doesn't have to be much, whatever you can spare, whether its $25 or $5. These small donations obviously won't raise enough to save a game warden's job. All we're trying to do is get WDFW's attention so they'll consider implementing Craig Bukowski's idea of a license checkoff system, similar to the presidential campaign fund donation box on IRS 1040 forms. That's where the real money is, and that's the only practical way to go after it. For decades, we fishermen have simply been license buyers, taxpayers, and recipients of WDFW services. Now WDFW is in a bind and we, the public, have an opportunity to take things into our own hands and bail them out of a nasty situation. It's the symbolism, not the amount you send, that counts. All I'm asking you to do is plagiarize my letter and mail a small check to WDFW to overcome their inertia and get a ball rolling.

* * * * *

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Attn.: Mr. Joe Stohr, Deputy Director
600 Capitol Way North
Olympia, WA 98501-1091

Subject: Proposal to establish a fund supported by voluntary donations to preserve enforcement officer FTEs slated for reductions-in-force

Dear Mr. Stohr:

You mentioned at Saturday’s IFPAG meeting that WDFW is authorized to accept public donations to help support its programs.

I got to thinking about this, and realized it’s difficult to get people to donate for vague and unspecified causes, but an organized campaign with a concrete objective could produce useful results.

This week, a member of one of our state’s fishing clubs, Craig Bukowski of the Cascade Musky Alliance, posted what I think is a good suggestion in an internet discussion forum. He said,

“With everything being computer generated, it would be easy to give fishermen the option to make a donation towards the stocking of their favorite species like they do with the tax return campaign fund.”

(He is referring to the presidential campaign fund checkoff on IRS 1040 forms.)

If this can be implemented on WDFW’s computer-generated fishing licenses, it might raise a lot of money. I visualize it as either a box the license buyer marks to add a voluntary donation of a set amount (say $2.00) to his license fee, or a blank line that looks like the “Tip” space on a restaurant credit card receipt where the patron writes in the gratuity amount.

You also told the IFPAG group on Saturday that WDFW plans to lay off
10 or 11 enforcement officers because of budget cuts. Sports fishermen don’t like poaching or size and bag limit violations because that hurts our fisheries. So,
we want more, not less, enforcement of fishing regulations.
Well, these two things – raise voluntary donations and saving enforcement positions – go together like peanut butter and jelly. I believe if fishermen realize game wardens’ jobs are on the line, they’ll open their wallets. The obvious time and place to ask them is at the fishing license point-of-sale.

I especially like Mr. Bukowski’s idea because if the appeal for donations is printed on every fishing license, those who don’t donate right away will be reminded of the campaign to save game wardens’ jobs every time they look at their license, and might come around and make a donation the next time they buy a fishing license.

To launch this program, I enclose a check for $25.00, which I request that your staff deposit in a new sub-account in whichever fund is used to receive donations and that they call it the “Save-A-Game-Warden-Fund.”

My idea is that this fund will be used to extend or continue the employment of one or more WDFW enforcement officers who otherwise would be let go due to budget-necessitated reductions in force. If this isn’t practical, or not enough funds are raised, then it’s okay to use my donation to support the expenses of advisory groups like IFPAG, or elsewhere as needed. I would, however, like WDFW to give the idea of saving game wardens’ jobs with voluntary donations a fair trial.

I realize, of course, this is a very ambitious proposal. But let’s say WDFW decides to approach the concept of voluntary donations in a systematic way, using the preservation of game wardens’ jobs as its objection, because this is something that people will rally around. Who knows, it might be wildly successful! If 500,000 license purchasers gave $2 each, that’s $2 million in the biennium, which might be enough to save ALL of the enforcement positions slated for RIFs. The only way to find out if it’ll work is to try it.

If WDFW establishes a “Save-A-Game-Warden-Fund” as I’ve requested, WDFW employees might contribute a significant amount to it. But the key to raising enough money is public donations, and I believe the best way to succeed at that is following up on Mr. Bukowski’s idea for a checkoff system in the license buying process.



Don Wittenberger

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by racfish » Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:26 pm

Hey Don. When the mariners wanted a stadium Lottery tickets went for sell to offset the cost of the building of Safeco.Why not have the state have a lottery ongoing using fishing and hunting themes for the cover.Let the people know that the sale of these tickets go directly to the WDFW game warden fund.I coomend your donation and to others that donate.If all y'alls donations dont get up to millions of dollars then its funds wasted.25.00 dosent fill the tank of their Wooldridge sleds.(No offense meant)A lottery would fullfill those needs.Just my .02
When youre up to your rear end in alligators,its hard to remember that the initial plan was to drain the swamp.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Don Wittenberger » Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:37 pm

Your lottery idea would take too long to implement, involves another agency, and probably requires legislation. We don't have the time. The license checkoff is something WDFW can do right now. Look, I know the odds are tough, but I've put a specific plan on the table. The thing to do now is toss a little snowball from the top of the hill and hope it becomes a great big snowball at the bottom of the hill. It might. Letters and checks, please! Can I get you to send in $2? Just two bucks? Pretty please with chocolate syrup on it?
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Ski » Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:09 pm


Thanks again - you are a consumate professional and your heart is always in the right place! My check goes in the mail today. Thanks for taking the lead on my idea. It was really just as much your's or Kevin's because you guys got the ball rolling. Regardless, thanks again! If this takes off - and I think it will if implemented, we will see huge benefits during these dire economic times and our fisheries (ALL of them! - that's for Yellow Bear) will benefit along with the anglers!

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by swedefish4life1 » Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:10 pm

$10 bucks sent and I hope it for the right Fish:bounce: :-$

PS and you guys banging and bouncing this Yellow Dog Bear dude and I have never meant him or know him is lame and weak back off you want to feed start on the Swede and not in PC Print in real life busting a guys chops all over in print is Chicken :-$ You really want some come get some depending on the day the meeting will close up fast!:-$

He can ask what he wants without all this girly mens beat a guy up sewing Club and a few of his questions were fair = if your a man not a PC Girly Boy!
Batters up:cheers:
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by racfish » Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:16 pm

Don I will send my money also.I will send my 10.00 in to the state.Should we mention in our letter that we are doing this as a Solidarity thing with you or what.I feel its important to let them know we as fisherpersons all want this now.Im a lousy letter writer but Ifin you made up a short form letter that I can sign it might help more.You needednt put any cherries or icing on anything for me.I like your idea.I just pray it catches on and works.
When youre up to your rear end in alligators,its hard to remember that the initial plan was to drain the swamp.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Ski » Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:35 pm

Hey Swedefish,

you said "PS and you guys banging and bouncing this Yellow Dog Bear dude and I have never meant him or know him is lame and weak back off you want to feed start on the Swede and not in PC Print in real life busting a guys chops all over in print is Chicken You really want some come get some depending on the day the meeting will close up fast!

He can ask what he wants without all this girly mens beat a guy up sewing Club BS and a few of his questions were fair = if your a man not a PC Girly Boy!
Batters up"

I wasn't busting on Yellow Bear, I was pointing out an example that he made reference to before about the muskies getting all the attention. This is something that benefits every fish species - not to mention hunting! Maybe we should have them do this on hunting and trapping licenses too!!???

Anyway, no need to "beat up" on anybody. I think both Don and I have responded with repect, restraint and facts.

By the way, thanks to everyone for helping to get the ball rolling. Once they get 50 to 100 letters with checks, which I believe will happen quickly, they will have to act and it gives them legitimate support/reason just like signatures needed for a vote.
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Don Wittenberger » Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:21 pm

Ski wrote:Don, Thanks again - you are a consumate professional
I used to write copy for mail order catalogs.
It was really just as much your's or Kevin's
You'll always get farther by giving the credit to someone else. Me, I don't want credit, I only care about results.
If this takes off - and I think it will if implemented
Bureaucratic inertia is the main obstacle, but if half a dozen people send them checks earmarked for the "Save-A-Game-Warden-Fund," they'll have to do something about it.
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by swedefish4life1 » Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:23 pm

Done with this one 10 bucks sent for fish on and Yellow Bear you can sportfish with me anytime:-$

Edited by Mike. Please people, let's not divert threads with side arguments. And absolutely no using symbols to substitute letters for swear words. Thank you.
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Don Wittenberger » Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:41 pm

Rac -- It's a solidarity thing with the game wardens. What we really want is for WDFW to try Ski's license checkoff idea. The Deputy Director came to the IFPAG meeting on Saturday and told the 20 or so people in attendance that WDFW will accept donations. How much many will that raise? Enough to pay for the sandwiches they fed us? If they're serious about donations, they'll put in place a systematic program designed to raise millions and use that money to save the jobs of the people he told us they're planning to lay off. At an earlier IFPAG meeting, a year or two ago, the Director told us they wanted ideas on how to raise money. Well, I just gave them two money-raising ideas that could each be worth over a million dollars a year to them, so now we're going to find out whether they're serious. Don't get me wrong, I don't want an us-against-them relationship with WDFW; I want them to accept our help in solving their problems.

Swede -- It's very kind of you to defend Yellowbear's honor by offering him up for fisticuffs, but I respectfully decline. I concede that, in the Middle Ages, trail-by-combat was a method frequently used to determine the truth or falsity of a factual proposition. Another method they used back then to test the veracity of deponents was making them walk barefoot on hot coals in the belief that God would protect them from burns if they were telling the truth. Maybe we should reinstitute that?

According to Yellowbear, the Warmwater Section does nothing but polish muskies' fins. I called that b.s. and you say I slandered him? Let him support his propaganda with facts if he can. I'm waiting. When you make factual assertions in a public forum, other people have the right to rebut you. Isn't it great that we live a country with free speech where people can try to win debates by supporting their arguments with facts instead of knocking each other's teeth out?
Last edited by Anonymous on Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by kevinb » Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:42 pm

Is their another option for donations,such as money order? I use cash and cards,I can't recall the last time
I wrote a check and I couldn't find my checkbook if my life depended on it.

Whats with Hulkamania?:clown:
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Don Wittenberger » Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:47 pm

Kevin -- I'm sure they can cash a money order.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by swedefish4life1 » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:10 pm

Edited by Mike. Please people, let's not divert threads with side arguments. Thank you.

God bless the USA God bless fish and wildlife and reach out far for Kids there choices are lame at best in a falling world make it a better place for them.

Back to Fish for fish:cheers:
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Don Wittenberger » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:34 pm

Uh, swede, how do you suggest "educating" someone who isn't acting in good faith?*

* That, of course, is my personal conclusion and you are welcome to form a different opinion.
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by swedefish4life1 » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:43 pm

Lets just pass and stick to your growing program and funds needed$ = PM the guy he might be swell and its not my judgement to make that call

Not sure some of the questions you asked him were yours to ask as well but that being said#-o
Due to Crannial pressure/blood pressure and a small Scott with attitude a heavy frying pan =done on this but any program that produces wins for fish count me in!:-$ :cheers:

I hate the Frying pan:-# :cyclopsan :eye:

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Don Wittenberger » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:49 pm

We're all friends here, swede. All of our disagreements are friendly ones. Everyone, I appreciate the donation. For years and years, we've gone about our fishing and all we did was complain that a game warden wasn't around when we saw someone doing something we didn't like. Now the department has fallen on hard times and the employees have to take it on the chin. This is a good time to let the wardens know we appreciate what they do. That's the message these letters and checks send to WDFW's management. This is for the men and women in the field who protect our fishing resources for our enjoyment, often in bad weather, and sometimes at risk to themselves.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Travisah » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:52 pm

Mr. swedefish4life1, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic
things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent
response were you even close to anything that could be considered a
rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having
listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your

I'm sorry but I could not resist!

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by swedefish4life1 » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:27 pm

:eye: Little Red don't hurt yourself over thinking that great post!

It was Grand and a real thinking mans reflexion#-o
Back to fish another cupcake braced the PC of courage:cheers:

Ps = when and where is the next MUSKIE meeting I have a new found sporting interest!!:bounce: :eye:
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Travisah » Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:05 pm

swedefish4life1 wrote::eye: Little Red don't hurt yourself over thinking that great post!

It was Grand and a real thinking mans reflexion#-o
Back to fish another cupcake braced the PC of courage:cheers:

Ps = when and where is the next MUSKIE meeting I have a new found sporting interest!!:bounce: :eye:
I am sure you'll figure it out tough guy ;)

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RE:Letter & Check Launch "Save-A-Game-Warden Fund"

Post by Ski » Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:31 pm

I would like to suggest we keep this discussion a little more focused as Mike warned. I do find it a bit funny and don't quite understand everything being said, but nontheless, we should carry on and stick to discussing the Save A Warden Fund.

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