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Rieter Death

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:39 pm
by driftercn83
thanks for bring up the death of the guy ......... that reminded me please be curtious at reiter my best friend who lives no more then 3 miles up stream found out that the Girl that was murdered a week or so ago and they found her remains scattered that was her best best friend. I will be making the trek to rieter in two weeks but if you see any memerials please be curtious I know this wasnt a fishing post but it will mean alot to every one......

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:59 pm
by SAPIplate
And thats why I hate fishing Rieter........

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:04 pm
by curado
same here. i will not fish it unless i have to

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:03 pm
by Blackmouth
The tweakers on that stretch of water from Monroe all the way up the Sky are ruthless.

Once you get up near Sultan/Reiter/Gold Bar and beyond, things get pretty sketchy out there. I've heard a lot of bad stories, ranging from constant car prowling to meth head tweakers going after solo fisherman. If I fished that area, I'd pack a sidearm, especially if fishing solo.

Some of the characters up there will make you uneasy to say the least.

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:01 am
by Gringo Pescador
curado wrote:same here. i will not fish it unless i have to
Why would you "have" to fish anywhere?:-k

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:12 am
by racfish
I guess we all look for different values when fishing.Some want meat,some want just to get out and myself and others just fish for the relaxation of the sport.The peace and solitude of a quiet stream.My extended family are in the wholesale and retail fish business so for me Im just as happy catching but then even if I dont catch I still feel its a win win situation.I dont venture to tweeker land. Its not worth it to me to combat fish for a steelie.Id rather find a nice semi quiet spot and enjoy the moment and surrounding scenery.If I allready know that a spot is ripe for breakins or stealing then I look for another spot or hole to fish.I dont want to fish worrying about my truck and gear being stolen.

I will pray for the family of the lil girl . I feel very sad for them. As far as courteous goes on the rivers I find to all to often courteous does not exist with alot of fisherpeople.There are fights at boat launches,and at areas of the river that fishermen think they own that spot. Ive fished areas by getting to a spot early just to be told that this is their spot. I laugh at that point.(at times I raise my coat and let it ride on the grip of my pistol.)I dont like doing that or resorting to that but I've run across some fairly rude people in my time.As Gringo said"why would you HAVE to fish anywhere" if it comes to that.I rather just find somewhere else.Good luck to all. I'll be doing Bush again this weekend.That is a great place to fish so far.No fish but the scenery is great.

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:51 am
by driftercn83
the woman that was killed was 30 her body was scattered over 6 square miles in the reiter area. look it up on the seattletimes website...

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:53 am
by driftercn83
the woman that was killed was 30 her body was scattered over 6 square miles in the reiter area. look it up on the seattletimes website...

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:30 pm
by daniesea
I agree with Racfish... Fishing is suppose to be fun and relaxing... I sometimes find myself discouraged when I get to the fishing grounds and there is combat fishing going on, so I usually go find another place to fish and just the line wet, even if I dont catch anything... I also ran into a few rude people in my days. I just hope that people out there would be better at sharing and just have fun instead of treating it as if its your only source of food for the day or something like that... Anyways, Sorry to hear about the lady... God bless all the nice people.. :)

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:30 pm
by wolverine
And the pervert that committed the crime was a Gold Bar resident. Unfortunately law enforcement let the lightly populated Hwy 2 corridor east of Monroe become what it is today. Hopefully now after this gruesome crime that LE will devote some additional resources to the area. We all know that property crimes are not very high on LE's agenda.
The Reiter hatchery hole is really no different than any the Cascade, Wallace, Tokul, Blue Creek, NFL or other hatchery meat hole. The folks that fish these fishing arm pits fall into 3 main categories. 1: Usually unemployed locals that fish every day and eat or sell their catch. 2: Folks that are desperate to catch anything that swims. 3: Folks that feel dirty just being there and would prefer to wear a paper bag over their heads so no one they know might recognize them. Do I ever fish Reiter? Yup, for summer runs in the late summer and early fall when the wind is blowing too hard to fish saltwater. If meat holes are all that you can get to then bring your patience and people skills as you will need both. Just don't expect a quality fishing experience. When I was younger I could physically handle the cretins who thought they owned the river and tried to intimidate me to leave. Now that I'm rapidly approaching senior citizen status I also pack a legal self defense weapon that I'm trained to use and abide by all of the legal requirements to do so.
This morning I spent 3 hours C&R'ng several cutthroat fly fishing at a local beach. Not another fisherman in sight.

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:07 pm
by SAPIplate
I hate fishing with crowds or even a few people. Unfortunatly, on this side of the mountains thats hard to come by on major steelheading rivers. Thats why Montana is so much better anyway:-"

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:25 pm
by ckim85
SAPIplate wrote:I hate fishing with crowds or even a few people. Unfortunatly, on this side of the mountains thats hard to come by on major steelheading rivers. Thats why Montana is so much better anyway:-"
yeah if you're up for good trout fishing...but its not the same as a chrome log of a steelhead.

and it really isn't that hard to find some nice remote access even on the west side of the mountains.

RE:Rieter Death

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:50 pm
by Mike Carey
per member request, let's start a new thread for Reiter Tweekers and lock this one up. Thanks