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hoh advise

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:49 pm
by salmonfinder
hi all iam new to this board.......well me and a few guys have plans for the hoh next saturday.....out of 4 of us only 1 guy has fished this river......we will be banking it due to the fact we dont have a one of my questions are is banking pretty easy on this river?how are people doing?iam just looking for maybe some tips to fish this river....thank you
tight lines!!!!!!!!!!!11

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:43 pm
by jsmith78
I fished the SolDuc on saturday with no luck. My first ever attempt at steelhead fishing. Saw a man cleaning a steelhead in the river. I asked if he caught it just then as I was away down river. He said that it was caught over on the Hoh by the lone girl in there group of 3. She was using a pink corky that was it. It was a 10-15lb native would be my guess. They fished the Duc for a little bit with no bites and left. I hope that helps you. Tight Lines..

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:58 pm
by salmonfinder
thank you i believe they posted a pic up here on the reports section!!!!!!i herd news from a guide dont waste your gas!!!!!so we will see come end of week!

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:11 pm
by Toni
Hi salmonfinder, I think I know you. Did you do real time salmon reports from the Nisqually on another site? I have heard that we need rain for the fishing in the rivers to pick up. So it will depend on where the rain has got to. Please come back and report your success or lack of it in the river section.

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:23 pm
by salmonfinder
yup thats me :salut: as of the moment they banned me from that site lol....still trying to get my ban lifted!!!!!

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:33 pm
by Toni
salmonfinder wrote:yup thats me :salut: as of the moment they banned me from that site lol....still trying to get my ban lifted!!!!!

You just needed some time to cool down, before you posted, after some remarks that were made toward you. I thought some of them are uncalled for. Not just toward you but others, that posted on this site, that were talked about on that site. I have been thinking about how just a couple bad remarks can ruin the whole experence.

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:07 pm
by salmonfinder
yeah its kool!!!!!

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:38 pm
by swedefish4life1
Fished the Hoh many many years and if gave up the Best ever to my Pops who guided her and lived off her for years.:cheers:
I fished right n the rainforest in a drift boat and any day was 4-6 fish days if she was in !!!
Toads late = there all teens and 20's:cyclopsan :eye: Kings as well to 50lbs:cheers:

That Steelhead will not be defeated:-$ :cheers:

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:11 pm
by salmonfinder
once again more teaser pics:jocolor:

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:59 am
by Hooky
I've been to the hoh before. All bank access too. If you take 101 south out of forks, before you cross the hoh on a bridge you will see a sign for cottonwood campground... (oil city road) Take a right. A small wood sign marks the camp ground about a mile or so down road. (left hand side) You can get to the river back behind the campground and work a lot of gravel bar. I've had luck there. Another spot... if you skip the camp ground and continue down oil city road for awhile you will see a couple of lone houses one across from one another just after a small bridge going over a creek. You can use turn out just past them (short and muddy w/ mail box) I've had luck above and below these houses just walking the road and getting up and down to the river where you can. Keep driving and walk down where ever you can towards the mouth. You aren't far from the ocean so I try to be there on incoming tides for fresh fish. Fish big baits and short leaders to get your presentations in the zone quickly behind wood/boulders. Also, if you google (angelfire nw fishing) then follow steps to washington river reports they normally update it every 3 days or so with the latest word from local tackle shops. Haven't fished in the park so can't help you there.

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:31 pm
by salmonfinder
thank you i wrote that down and iam gonna give it to our driver :cheers:

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:00 pm
by swedefish4life1
Salmonfinder:-$ you want another Easy stacking and wacking hole right where the (Bogy/Bogyachiel River and Calawah River meet):-$ :cheers: Many days if your the 1st angler in your the 1st angler out!!:chef: :bounce:

This hole and spot has given up thousands of fish:-$

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:08 pm
by salmonfinder
sweet thank you!!!!!i will post a report when i get back tomorrow

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:22 pm
by curado
good luck

RE:hoh advise

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:14 am
by salmonfinder
worked that river up and down and nothing.......seen the drifters catching the fish owell maybe nexttime