Fishing the Cowlitz at Packwood (please help!)

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Fishing the Cowlitz at Packwood (please help!)

Post by joetucker803 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:47 pm

I don't always like to ask for help, but when I do, I need a lot of it! First and foremost, my plan of attack is to fish the Cowlitz River with some buddies around Packwood (I guess the title probably gave that away, lol). I'm still an armature to both salmon fishing and river fishing (yes, double whammy there).

I have done my research though. I know that that Coho, Chinooks and Steelhead are found in this section of the river. I also know that due to Mayfield and Riffe reservoirs, that the salmon in this section are actually transported from the ocean and released at the bridge in Packwood. I've checked the regulations, and have a grasp on what is legal to catch as well.

And from here, I really could use advice. I've got a number of questions, and if someone could just give me a basic strategy that would help greatly. So I'll list my questions strategically. Anyone who can help on any of these questions will be my new best friend, lol! No seriously, I appreciate any advice!

1) In the regulations, I do not see where it is illegal to fish right at the bridge, correct me if I'm wrong.

2) Oh boy! I see lots of private property in this area when I look at Google Earth. Any suggestions on where to find a place to even cast a line?

3) I'm pretty sure my primary target will be Coho based on the weekly data of fish released at this area. But, what's the best way to target these things. In other words, Coho fishing for dummies. What type of fishing rig/ bait should I use? Suggestions on weight and line strength?

4) Time of year. I plan on doing this trip in the next several weeks, which based on previous reports for the Cowlitz seems to be as good of time as any?

Like I said, I'm a complete rookie at this venture, so any and all that chime in for help I will be indebted to! Much thanks in advance!

As always, tight lines guys

Joe/ AKA beerman

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