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Saw something interesting

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:35 pm
by spokey9
So on the way home from dinking around a beach with the wife and kiddo, I decided to stop and take a gander at a river I've never put eyes on before. After bushwacking a bit to get to a good vantage point, I come out on the high side of a nice looking pool. It was roughly about 8ft or so (hard to tell just looking lol) but the water was clear as glass. I sat there for about 5 minutes when I noticed movement just a bit downstream of me. So I carefully made my way towards the movement and got behind a bush where I could still see the water. I was figuring I either saw a lone jack or trout so I was really surprised to see about a dozen or so fish lazily holding in the slight current. I watched them for a good half hour or so and got to see them clearly as they occasionally took turns moving up towards just below the surface. Every fish I saw come up was steelie with a big ol' adipose. The largest looked to be a mid to high teen fish with the others probably in the 5-12lb range. I thought it was pretty neat getting to see wild fish just acting naturally without dodging gear or being bothered by anybody. Nice to see at least a few wild ones are still coming home and I hope I get a get a chance to watch their offspring in a couple years there too.

Re: Saw something interesting

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 5:15 pm
by dj2loud
Same here, it's a good sign to see no gear in the water.... From a buddy of mine this past weekend on the south fork nook, he could clearly see a few kings in the holes considering the water is as clear as glass and running less then 300 cfm....... its ultra low....

Now the bad, trash including beer cans and broken glass at the confluence of the north and south fork from transients and damn campers who don't clean up after themselves.... Why in hell would you leave a rear bench seat from a vehicle on the river bank to rot away is beyond me....

Re: Saw something interesting

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:14 am
by TrackerPro16
I am often walking across a bridge over the Ceder River in an area that is catch and release and difficult public access. I 'might' see two or three fisherpeople per year fishing it. It is cool to see the big fish working their way up. Also fun to watch the Osprey catching fish. They ARE in violation though as I seldom see them 'releasing' anything... [-X O:)

Re: Saw something interesting

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:48 pm
by dj2loud
Thats funny...... I can say that to the bear that was up on the cascade the week before last.... I was trying to free a snag turned around to see the tree move and voila black bear at the end of the tree...... Almost fell in, snapped the line and stood up to say hey bear, we both looked at each other like deer in headlights and off he went... Head was on a swivel the entire time I was there.... ( no bear spray or handgun on me this day )

Re: Saw something interesting

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:21 pm
by fisherman92
When I worked for the county I remember repairing guardrail near deer creek off the nf of the stilly and seeing about a dozen nice size wild steelhead 5 to 12 or so lbs sitting in the hole under the train bridge. It was the heat of summer and they were rotating up and down the hole with one moving up every so often. Then swimmers came and ruined the scenery not even seeing the fish... also dj2loud I ran into a bear last year on the cascade alone at 430am pitch black with fog and my headlight so I could barely see the bear directly across the street. We saw eachother and it ran after a sec. I was froze in my tracks seeing if i could see baby bears... lol I was clapping all morning loudly. Most likely waking up the people camping I didn't know where there since it was so dark... ha

Re: Saw something interesting

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:41 pm
by dj2loud
Deff not an easy feeling not knowing where they are, how hungry they have become or if babies are around for sure... Up here on sumas mountain 2 weeks ago sunday we found a large pile of poo on the old logging road.... It wasn't but maybe a day or two old and in a nice 1' round pile black as midnight in color....

Re: Saw something interesting

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:41 pm
by branweeds
Saw a bobcat up near the top of Sumas too

Re: Saw something interesting

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:26 pm
by dj2loud
Sumas Mountain is right behind my house! That's not the only animal seen up there so far this year, Mamma and her cubs are def up there somewhere......