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Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:58 am
by Lunker101
Ok! So here is my top ten salmon fishing rivers for Washington. Agree or disagree? Let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing your top ten.

1. The Columbia River - The Columbia has the highest Salmon return in the State with millions of fish coming up that beast every year. Hands down the Columbia is my Number one.

2. The Cowlitz River - The Litz is prime time fishing when it comes to Salmon and Steelhead.

3. The Skokomish River - The Skoke has been an upper tier fishery since I can remember. Last year I swear I saw more Chinook in that thing that any river I hit in 2014.

4. The Puyallup River - The Puke almost never disappoints it's hard to lose when they are running hot on the Puyallup.

5. The Nisqually River - After 2014 I almost don't want to put the Nisqually in my top five but the king run started off pretty good but petered out. Plus this year is a Pink year so the NisQ should be a winner but unfortunately I think the Nets will be the ones to decide that in the end.

6. The Snohomish River - The Snohomish is mu number six not so much because the Snohomish river by itself is such a great fishery but the Snohomish river system o the other hand consists of the Skykomish, Wallace and Snoqualime which are all great salmon fishing river. This places the Snoho in the upper echelon in my book.

7. The Green (Duwamish) River - Although there are two Green river's in Washington state The Duwamish versus the Cowlitz county Green river is the big boy. I must say the Green river in Cowlitz county produces decent Salmon returns as well, but the Green River (Duwamish) offers up a massive Coho return produced by two hatchery's. Overall I think the Green is under rated in many anglers books, but my personal belief is that the Green is a main player in the region.

8. The Skagit River - It will be knee deep in Pinks pretty soon. Plunker Paradise. Nothing like kicking back in the old lawn chair beer in hand plunking sand shrimp behind a spin glow. Need I say more.

9. The Noocksack River - The Noocksack has one of the largest King Salmon returns in the Puget Sound and would be higher in the list but once the nets come out the Lummis pretty much kill the run.

10.The Quillayute River - Last but not least is the Quillayute which is in my back yard makes up the last of my top ten, largely due to the fact that the Bogachiel, Sol Duc and Calawah are all part of the Quillayute river system and are all renowned for both Salmon and Steelhead.

So this is my top ten, I know there are several other notables but this is the list I came up with based on my own personal experience and bias. What's your top ten?

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:38 am
by obryan214
I'd have to say the Satsop is my #1 even though I fish it mostly for trout and whitefish. I fish around the mouths of the Puyallup, Skokomish and Nisqually in the salt but haven't fished the rivers themselves in years. Pulled many kings from the skoke but don't like the crowds. Done well in the Duwamish the few times I fished it. caught an atlantic in the Duwamish years ago when that big net pen up north broke, got several in the salt too by Tacoma. The Skykomish has treated me well the few times I made the drive from Tacoma for salmon and steelhead. Caught more steelhead than salmon from the cowlitz, don't like the crowds but lots of fish.

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:15 pm
by Seattlè Pat
I love the Samish and I can't believe your list doesn't include Minter Creek. Minter and the Samish produce such numbers and quality experiences that they should be in the top 5 easily.

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:23 pm
by natetreat
1. Queets
3. Humptulips
4. Wynoochee
5. Hoh
6. Kalama
7. Green (chum)
8. Toutle
9. Drano
10. Cowlitz (duh)

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:12 pm
by BentRod
I have found that the number one top salmon river is always the one I'm not currently fishing. [flapper]

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:19 pm
by schu7498
Sad that the skookumchuck now makes it to that list S. Jerry

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:49 am
by jd39
My apologies if I'm wrong but something tells me Springer is just having fun, that list would change if he were under oath. Just a hunch.
Spokane street bridge was a nice touch though!

My list will remain secret mostly because I don't have one. If it's water and I'm fishing, I like it.

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:04 am
by Lunker101
natetreat wrote:1. Queets
3. Humptulips
4. Wynoochee
5. Hoh
6. Kalama
7. Green (chum)
8. Toutle
9. Drano
10. Cowlitz (duh)

Great list I love all of these spots. When I put together my top ten is was primarily based on estimated returns. I would defiantly have the Toutle and Hump on the list If I could have fit them. Maybe I need to do a "Top 20"

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:06 am
by Lunker101
schu7498 wrote:Sad that the skookumchuck now makes it to that list S. Jerry
The Skookumchuck is definitely in the top ten for Steelhead.

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:56 pm
by DannyL
This should be fun.

1. Cowlitz
2. Skookumchuck
3. Samish
4. NF Stilliguamish
5. Wallace
6. Skykomish
7. Sol Duc
8. Hoh
9. Bogi
10. Nooch

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:33 pm
by Seattlè Pat
Ok I'll do one too.

1. Samish
2. Whatcom Creek
3. Skokomish
4. Minter Creek
5. Cowlitz
6. Wallace
7. Chehalis (Specifically Preachers Slough)
8. Humptulips
9. Skykomish
10. Puyallup

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:50 pm
by spoonman
1. Lower Quinault
3 salmon river
4. Cook cr
5. Wallace
6. Methow
7. Stilly
8. Brewster pool
9 . skagit
10. Samish.

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:20 pm
by racfish
No Satsop or Willapa?

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:49 pm
by obryan214
racfish wrote:No Satsop or Willapa?
best to stay away from the satsop. its cursed and over run with fisherman eating sasquatches. seriously. [scared]

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:49 am
by spoonman
obryan214 wrote:
racfish wrote:No Satsop or Willapa?
best to stay away from the satsop. its cursed and over run with fisherman eating sasquatches. seriously. [scared]
Yes, the sasquatch menace must be stopped. But PETA is blocking action anyway they can. They say anglers are sasquatch's natural prey, and ive heard they have even relocated some to the Skykomish valley. But these arent the native sasquatchs to the area, and are out competing for fishermen with the native population. Someone ought to sue somebody.

Re: Top Ten Washington Salmon Fishing Rivers.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:33 pm
by natetreat
It's interesting how the taste in river changes whether you primarily fish from a boat or the bank. Each river holds a special place in my book, the changing scenery and species. I am fascinated my the vast differences of behavior even within the same species between watersheds. For example, steelhead in the Cowlitz LOVE a licorice mad river egg, but for the life of me I can't get a Skykomish steelhead to even look at it. Green river chum laugh at plugs, but on the Nisqually, they can't get enough...