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Nets are up

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:16 pm
by gpc
My buddys were down on the Duwamish on 112th and there are nets up down there. Still people fishing, but know fish caught. Just an FYI

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:11 pm
by Gringo Pescador
I was down there Sunday and there was 1 just north of 112th footbridge, 2 in the bend next to Boeing and 1 more under the HWY 99 bridge. I admit I am completely ignorant as to the netting practices but I hope they are not just leaving them out there for that many days on end - the fish would be no good by that time and hence just be wasted.

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:33 pm
by oneshot
i read the netting schdule right now is weekly, noon sundays to noon fridays

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:53 pm
by Toni
Is that for the Puyallup, too?

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:13 pm
by A9

Heres what the Duwamish looks like...

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:00 pm
by shawn
the picture of those nets makes me wanna throw up.Are you serious,you got to be kidding.Unfortunatley your not.How sad.:pale: :pale: :pale: :thumbdown :thumbdown :thumbdown

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:27 pm
by Fish-or-man?
Wow, that picture made my stomach turn too.

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:10 am
by EdmondsBassMan
I don't quite understand the whole netting thing. Can someone explain it for me. I'm not from WA originally so I have never seen this before. In my mind I imagined some nets but areas for some fish to still get through but from that picture the nets go from bank to bank. Do they go all the way to the bottom as well. I understand why it is permitted but that just dosen't seem right. I hope that dosen't make me appear as a hater but i don't think those are the kind of nets being used in the past. I at times thought all of us standing on the banks and in boats was a little unfair for the poor fish just trying to get some lovin.LOL Anyway let me climb down from my soapbox now. Do they do that on the Snohomish?

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:12 am
by Gringo Pescador
Again - I preface this with the fact that I really don't know much about it but.... I believe they can only span across a certain % of the river. The ones I saw ran from one side to about 20' from the other, then the next one was reversed so that basically it was a slolam(sp?) course. I have no idea how deep they go. From SAM's pic, how do boats get through let alone the salmon??
oneshot - Do you (or anybody) know if they are required to empty the nets and re-set them like once a day or something or do they just leave em out there for the whole week? And is this schedule online somewhere?
SAM - where was that pic taken? Down around South Park?

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:05 am
by EastsideRedneck
If someone tried to get away with that back home they would go the way of Jimmy Hoffa. I support Indian culture, but this is about as a$$inine as their whale hunting- traditional method to get the initial ineffective throw and then here come the modern speedboats and harpoons to do the actual hunt. I'd go on, but my body is shaking and I can't hold back on the four letter words any longer...:bom: :-# :-&

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:20 am
by LM
Gringo Pescador wrote:Again - I preface this with the fact that I really don't know much about it but.... I believe they can only span across a certain % of the river. The ones I saw ran from one side to about 20' from the other, then the next one was reversed so that basically it was a slolam(sp?) course. I have no idea how deep they go. From SAM's pic, how do boats get through let alone the salmon??
oneshot - Do you (or anybody) know if they are required to empty the nets and re-set them like once a day or something or do they just leave em out there for the whole week? And is this schedule online somewhere?
SAM - where was that pic taken? Down around South Park?
no the nets dont go to the bottom and they do empty em few times a day.....atleast that wat my neighbor said and he muckleshoot..i guess they making good money this year

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:25 am
by shawn
Some check them a few times a day.Others let them rot and go to waste.It depends who you ask.I"ve seen them checked often other times I've seen no one check them for a day or so.Who really knows.But I'm still sickened by the picture.:pale: :pale: :pale:

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:21 pm
by oneshot
i'm not pro white or pro indian, but we did steal there land did we not?

the nets don't bother me, its how they keep there ecomony on the rez barely stable, that and casinos.. go fish a different river or creek or area of the sound, there's plenty of fish to go around, and when there isn't anymore because they have been over fished we can start hunting seagulls until they're all gone and shoot, i have been seeing lots of otters in the Duw to, we could target them to! i kid i kid!

that picture was from a couple weeks ago by the way, its been all over the net..

this post is probably asking for arguement, lets just remember most of it is only an opinion.. :-$

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:11 pm
by MikeFishes
That picture makes me sick too. I had thought that the Indians were "in touch" with nature and would never do something like that. At least that's what I think they want me to think. Now, it just looks like they are doing it for the money.

And don't start me with that "We stole their land" crap. They have a treaty, which is why they can fish like they can.

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:10 pm
by oneshot
Mikey wrote:
They have a treaty, which is why they can fish like they can.

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:52 pm
by A9
This is not a picture I have taken, it was one from another forum. I think we could divulge into the indian/netting debates for endless pages on this thread, but it would just lead to controversy. Another fishing forum site I am a member of (its a salmon/steelhead one mostly) gets into a lot of unnessecary arguments about indians and netting and sealions controversies. After all that has been happening recently in the bass section, I don't think we need to get into a big debate about netting practices and indian harvesting...

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:59 pm
by oneshot
good idea.


so i went to the snohomish last night under 522 bridge, still lots of pinks in that area, the river was really high and the fish were not more than 5 feet from shore rolling and a flopping all around.. got a few strikes but no takers..

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:01 pm
by shawn
Sam Kafelafish wrote:This is not a picture I have taken, it was one from another forum. I think we could divulge into the indian/netting debates for endless pages on this thread, but it would just lead to controversy. Another fishing forum site I am a member of (its a salmon/steelhead one mostly) gets into a lot of unnessecary arguments about indians and netting and sealions controversies. After all that has been happening recently in the bass section, I don't think we need to get into a big debate about netting practices and indian harvesting...
I agree.I've seen the bass forum boy did it take a turn to bad so I agree about not getting into a debate over rights of others.It is basicaly written in stone.So tight lines

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:10 pm
by A9
Being as passionate as fishermen are about fishing, some heated debates can result from the whole issue about indian netting and harvesting practices, and of course, every fishermen has their own beliefs and mindsets on it. They are entitled to those beliefs, but I just don't think that now is the time and here is the place to argue about them.
I am not against debate, in fact I enjoy debating on issues such as this one, but I don't want anything to get any worse around here.

RE:Nets are up

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:41 pm
by Gringo Pescador
I would still be interested to learn how to get ahold of a netting schedule - Do they publish one for each river? It would come in handy when planning where to go and when....