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Smash and Grabs!

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:55 pm
by Bass Woody
attention Fishermen and Sportsmen alike there are a rise in Smash and Grabs on the Rivers and wildlife parking areas. I was broke into on the Spencer Island parking area on the 15th and not more then a hour later a couple had there car smashed into. The more I talk to people and cops it seems to be rising. Lets all start watching out for each other more and ask people question when things don't look right.

RE:Smash and Grabs!

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:34 pm
by kzoo
Please post your incident at the following: ... alism.aspx

Getting pretty bad lately, I tell you what the police need to do. They need to set a bait car with a GPS in the car. Put a tracking chip in the GPS and follow it once it moves.