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Orvis warranty (-: !!

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:29 am
by The Quadfather
Wow! It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas..
I have to give a major shout out to Orvis for their stand up customer service.

I broke my Orvis 'Frequent Flyer 9 piece travel rod'
Probably 5 years ago. The rod itself is at least 20 years old.
I figured they would not repair it or cover anything because I was a dumb ass and broke it using needle nose pliers to seperate a few of the rod pieces.
Well, they said no problem at all, they will send it in..

Today I picked it up, Orvis in Bellevue.. They actually replaced the entire rod, as well as the travel case and sock!
It's absolutely beautiful. :cheers:
Yes, I paid $60.00 for the shipping etc. but regardless, it was a $250.00 rod in the early '90's.
Nice people in that Bellevue Orvis store!

Re: Orvis warranty (-: !!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:29 am
by Bodofish
I've never had them bat an eyelash at anything. Always top notch customer service. I've purchased a few things online that didn't quite fit and they just traded them out in the store, no questions asked. In the stores they always take all the time in the world with you. No matter if you're buying a couple flys or a new Helios 2.... Always a pleasure.

Re: Orvis warranty (-: !!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:45 pm
by Mike Carey
nice positive reviews. Good to hear some companies get it right! I'm sure you're both customers for life.