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What y'all Catching?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:30 pm
by raffensg64
Hey fellas, I'm now surrounded by ice and snow up in here in AK, and haven't been able to toss a fly since my arrival 2 weeks ago! I check the reports every day but am seeing very little from fly fishermen. Please take a few minutes and "paint me a picture" of what you're getting! I'd love to hear your success stories. I've heard that Medical was really producing for awhile but have heard nothing else from other lakes and rivers. I'm "fishing" through you guys right now.....I really miss Washington at this time of year!!!

RE:What y'all Catching?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:34 pm
by Amx
Catching the sniffles and coughs. Might catch some fish tomorrow, might try if it isn't snowing, it was snowing this morning.

RE:What y'all Catching?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:49 pm
by Gonefishing
Dabnabbit you stole my line.

I'm catching a cold.... I'd rather catch fish.

RE:What y'all Catching?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:08 pm
by Lotech Joe
Marc and I were considering going to Amber this coming Saturday, but I think we trashed that idea. When I PM'd him last evening he had 1/2" of snow on his deck. The weather just isn't warming up like it has in the past. My yard in the valley was covered with snow and hail this morning. Darned global cooling anyway.

RE:What y'all Catching?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:14 pm
by deepbuzzer
[biggrin] Hey Gary,, I am having a blast catching fish at Medical and not just average fish, I fished last friday april 1st with almost the whole spokane fly fishing club on the water, there had to be at least 20 toons on the lake all hugging the northwest shoreline fishing in 14' of water. I caught 3 rainbows, 21", 24" and 26" [thumbsup] on a black and silver epoxy buzzer I tie with orange wing pads and a red tag on the butt size 14 and several browns and tigers ranging from 16-20" on a # 12 chromie. The total for the day was 13 fish caught between 1100-1630. I also fished Sunday april 3 and it was almost a repeat of friday, just not as many fish, only 6 caught. biggest 23" rainbow. My oldest son he is 17 out-fished his dad with 9 caught on the fly his fish were 16"-20" he is so hooked. My youngest who is 12 caught 3 with a spinner and a spoon..

Going to be fishing again on this saturday the 9th, I think the lake is about ready to turnover.. May be a slow day if that is the case.

Take care Gary. :salut:

RE:What y'all Catching?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:18 pm
by guitarfisher
Over here on the wet side I've been fishing Lone Lake on Whidbey Island 2 or 3 times a month since December. I've done fairly well - having 4 to 12 fish days - with 'bows 15-19". Best success on a variety of leech and bugger patterns, with a few on chironimids and nymphs.

RE:What y'all Catching?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:31 am
by Rooscooter
I was at Amber this afternoon for a quick 3 hour trip. We did very well with probably 20 fish between 3 people. We were using BSU Buzzers....A new invention of mine tied with blue flash, orange tags and coated in epoxy. I also caught a couple with bloodworms.

The biggest was about 24" with most in the 17" range.

It was a raw, windy day and none of us could stay out for very long. 4 hours after returning and I am still sitting in front of the pellet stove writing this....what a crappy spring.

Take care up there

RE:What y'all Catching?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:17 am
by raffensg64
Sweet, fellas.....except for the weather! Why in the world couldn't Uncle Sam have sent us up here in May instead of March??!! Keep em coming!

RE:What y'all Catching?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:44 am
by Marc Martyn
Hi Gary! Man I kind of feel your pain. I haven't been out yet this year. It seems that if a day comes along where it isn't blowing a gale or snowing, I'm working or can't make it out. The weather has to break pretty soon.

Great hearing the reports. I'm pumped and ready to go.