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New Pontoon

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:15 pm
by Lotech Joe
Got my new toon. This one isn't near as heavy as my last one and it's easier to maneuver. It's identical to the ODC 816 but has a better seat and it's green. I've had 2 of the ODC 816's and really liked them. I'm really looking forward to using this new toon. It's been discontinued and I think I got the last one at the sale price. Here's what it looks like; ... 254&page=1
I have a swivel seat I can put on it, but I like the idea of light weight.

RE:New Pontoon

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:21 pm
by reelman
Great, lucky you. I'll be out on Liberty Lake tomorrow. Bring your new toy and you can teach me how to fish that lake. I'll be the one with the goofy fishing hat and a light blue ice chest on the back of my 'toon. Hope to see you there.
Reel man.

RE:New Pontoon

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:25 am
by Lotech Joe
Sorry I didn't see your post before now. I've been laid up for a couple of weeks with a back that quit on me. I'm still waiting to hear from the VA Hosp about scheduled surgery. I haven't been able to use the new toon and won't until next summer at best.
I don't usually fish Liberty Lake. I'm not a big fan of the launch. I wish there was a launch at the south end. Liberty Lake is a funny lake in that, if you're sitting in the middle of the lake looking south it looks like a high mountain lake. If you turn around and look the other way it looks like the Chicago skyline.
Sorry I missed your post.

RE:New Pontoon

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:06 pm
by reelman
I launch from the county park using the wheel I Jerry-rigged from an old jogging stroller. Sorry to hear about your back. The launch there really is a hairy armpit. I've nearly been run over 2X by some cretin whose lQ was on par with the bluegill I'd just caught (Ooh! Shiny thing).
Next time you're going out and need a friend to go fishing with, I happen to be recruiting fishing friends.


RE:New Pontoon

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:28 am
by Lotech Joe
You're welcome to tie up with me but like I said, it probably won't be till next Spring or Summer. I'd be interested in seeing how you rigged the wheel to your toon.