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Why so many lake reports in the "Bass Fishing" section??

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:00 pm
by bassackwards
Seems like every other post is on or about a lake report. I'm not the Supreme Overlord or anything, but don't these type of posts belong in the "Reports" section???

Let's keep it about the BASS in the BASS FISHING forum....just a thought.

RE:Why so many lake reports in the "Bass Fishing" section??

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:22 pm
by gpc
I understand where you are coming from bassackwards. But most of these lakes that people are talking about are questions about the lakes. There are a few with final results and pictures on the lakes. I think that either of these two will benefit the bass fisherman on this site. I dont really know about riffe lake, so I in turn learned something new about the posts. As well as Roosevelt. This is all pretty useful information. But when somebody starts posting straight fishing reports, then we will have a problem. But these posts and topics have some good info in them

RE:Why so many lake reports in the "Bass Fishing" section??

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:25 pm
by bassackwards
gpc wrote:I understand where you are coming from bassackwards. But most of these lakes that people are talking about are questions about the lakes. There are a few with final results and pictures on the lakes. I think that either of these two will benefit the bass fisherman on this site. I dont really know about riffe lake, so I in turn learned something new about the posts. As well as Roosevelt. This is all pretty useful information. But when somebody starts posting straight fishing reports, then we will have a problem. But these posts and topics have some good info in them


I'll sift through the "reports" and see if I can't learn something along the way.

Thanks for weighing in....

RE:Why so many lake reports in the "Bass Fishing" section??

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:37 pm
by Edgeran
Its all relevant, just tryin' to help each other out...........:cheers:

RE:Why so many lake reports in the "Bass Fishing" section??

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:38 pm
by bpm2000
i really dont see what the problem is..?

RE:Why so many lake reports in the "Bass Fishing" section??

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:38 am
by fishnislife
I think there are some valuable things to be learned in some of the posts but for the most part people do like to get props. I don't blame em. I've wanted to post up a report here with pics just to get an ad-a-boy from fellow members. You have to admit there is not much glory in posting a report. It's great for everyone but you don't get to see how many views you get, barely anyone comments and it is quicker to fade away than in these forums.


RE:Why so many lake reports in the "Bass Fishing" section??

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:14 am
by Kenster
gpc wrote: I dont really know about riffe lake, so I in turn learned something new about the posts.

Did someone say "Riffe"

RE:Why so many lake reports in the "Bass Fishing" section??

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:47 pm
by Mike Carey
So here's the deal about fishing reports. The beauty of posting a report isn't neccesarily how many people comment on it or knowing if it was seen by a certain number of people. To me, the beauty of posting reports is you build your own online fishing diary. I can go back 10 years and see reports I made fishing with my kids when they were just starting out. And I plan on doing this site for another 10 years and beyond (until I'm old and forgetful and cranky). So think of it as not posting to get immediate cudos but for your own database. Imagine being being able to log on to this site 20 years from now and pull up reports you posted today. Plus, as Aaron gets the next update online you are going to see even more compelling reasons to be posting reports. We have some things planned that will make reports even more VALUABLE. :cheers:

Oh, and I will disagree about one point made - the comments in the Forums will fade but the reports are PERMANENT and will never go away once posted. Which is another reason for becoming a member and using the full features of this site.