Best bass lake in Spo. Co.??
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 8:33 pm
Where would you say is the best bass lake in Spokane county? Anyone?
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I don't know the county at all,however...muskyhunter and I fished Silver for a couple days and caught several lmb's. He pulled out a pig and we saw several around 6-7pounds. I have nothing else to compare it too in your area but the fishing was red hot and well worth checking out. Hope this helps a little.Gotcha wrote:...I guess no one wants to give out any secrets.
I can tell you that Long Lake ( to quote a MLB Dominican shortstop long ago) "has been very very good to me". That is the ONLY place that I have been able to set a hook on ANY Bass. Never a LMB. But I have seen them come out of there. Never on my boat. Still just learning. I seldom get skunked on Long Lake any more. But moved to north Spokane County, and dont drive all that way to fish it much anymore. now have to learn shallow lakes like Eloika, Diamond, Waits, etc. Or at least if not shallower, less weeds/lilly pads and clearer water. 4' bottom at Eloika and you cant see it. That is murky. Try Long, that is al I can offer you. Good luck. Let me know what you find, and how you do.:thumright :bounce:Gotcha wrote:Where would you say is the best bass lake in Spokane county? Anyone?
Gas is $4 per gallon...It doesn't make traveling long distance to fish very practical anymore...fish4brains wrote:Why on earth would you limit yourself to Spokane county for Bass? You have some phenomenal Bass fisheries just a mere 1.5 hour max drive in any direction. That is like asking what the best strip club is on Broadway in Vegas.
Olympic Gardens. :thumrightfish4brains wrote:Why on earth would you limit yourself to Spokane county for Bass? You have some phenomenal Bass fisheries just a mere 1.5 hour max drive in any direction. That is like asking what the best strip club is on Broadway in Vegas.
That's great,ROFL!!!fishnislife wrote:Olympic Gardens. :thumrightfish4brains wrote:Why on earth would you limit yourself to Spokane county for Bass? You have some phenomenal Bass fisheries just a mere 1.5 hour max drive in any direction. That is like asking what the best strip club is on Broadway in Vegas.
Yeah, that's a big part of it. My lifted full size Chevy doesn't do too well on gas.Sam Kafelafish said:
Gas is $4 per gallon...It doesn't make traveling long distance to fish very practical anymore...
I don't think he's "limiting" himself per say, but just wondering what a good bass lake is around the Spokane area...
That point was marked with a buoy until this winter when my guess is the super thick icebergs left after the winter freeze carried it away, and you can now find it partially submerged on the north shore along the rocks.kevinb wrote:If you do go to out for the rockpoint. I've only been here one time but I swear if it was even a little foggy and you were traveling fast....well it could be disaterous. They should have it painted,flagged or bouys marking it.
I wouldn't doubt that someone has been killed by it.
Ok,back on track.....check out Silver(I'm not saying its the best)but well worth the trip.
Good luck
Good to know. Muskyhunter and I had a near encounter with it. Early morning fog didn't help. Awesome lake though..I'll be returning here soon.Nik wrote:That point was marked with a buoy until this winter when my guess is the super thick icebergs left after the winter freeze carried it away, and you can now find it partially submerged on the north shore along the rocks.kevinb wrote:If you do go to out for the rockpoint. I've only been here one time but I swear if it was even a little foggy and you were traveling fast....well it could be disaterous. They should have it painted,flagged or bouys marking it.
I wouldn't doubt that someone has been killed by it.
Ok,back on track.....check out Silver(I'm not saying its the best)but well worth the trip.
Good luck