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New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:23 pm
Hey Guys,

Just introducing myself - hello, my name is Ben. The past couple weeks I've been tuning in to the site and figured I'd better contribute - rather than assume the role of "lurker".

Anyhow, I'm a complete bass-newbie... I've caught some bass before, but never the "right" way. I've always wanted to get into bass fishing - last year I even spent $200 on bass bait and didn't use it once!!! [rolleyes] The biggest reason, is that I had NO idea which lakes held bass or how to fish them. So, I've spent the last 8-10 weeks in absolute preparation mode for bass this year; including everything from reading as much as I can about bass behavior, lake conditions, moon phase, to acquiring enough gear that cold have put my kids through college! I've been fortunate to have some AMAZING =D> help in learning the ropes of bass fishing from a member on this site. With the help, I have a much better idea for what to do, and what not to do (but I don't know what I don't know). I'm hoping to pick up some tips/tricks on fishing bass in Pierce county (primarily) in return for some dry humor and a few fish reports.

I'm an avid hunter (waterfowl, archery elk, deer, turkey, EVERYTHING) - and I do like to fish just as much. I've just grown tired of catching rainbows... So, I have the "bass fever" right now and I'm committed to learning everything I can for fishing bass vs. lure type vs. month of year vs. lake/structure type vs. whatever...

Anyhow, I have a duck boat (Lowe Roughneck R1760SC) that's setup fine for bass - I've spent millions (it feels like it) on Abu Gear [thumbsup] and I think I have everything needed to get out there and close the deal. Unfortunately, I was 0-3 in March, and 0-2 in April ](*,) But that's why it's called 'fishin'?

Looking forward to hearing your bass stories!

Good luck this year fellas!

Re: New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:45 am
by arniejl
LBES, I don't do the duck hunting stuff or turkey, I guess, or any bird for that matter, but I archery elk hunt, in fact, I have like 10 in the record book, all Roosevelt's from up on the peninsula. I wont take you hunting, most likely but we sure can BS about it.

I deer hunt mainly with my wife, these days, or alone. Lately, we have been hunting Hancock land and having a blast. It is fun to hunt with my wife, she listens:)

And, of course, I bass fish. I will take a guy here and there if my wife does not want to go but I always feel pressured to "have" to catch the guy I take fish that day and it does not always happen. If you want to go out, I will take you and show you what little bit I know. In return I ask two things from you:

1) No bitching when we get skunked, lol
2) Everything we catch, LMB or SMB, they get released, unless we go to Summit Lake then you can keep whatever you want

Those are kind of jokes, btw:)

As far as fishing in March goes, do not let that bother you. It is the worse month for bass. I catch more in Feb. then March, in fact, I think the ones I got this March were my first March fish ever. I know a guy who has won multiple tournaments who wont even really fish in March. Cool water and unstable weather make it tough. Are the fish still there? Sure they are but their metabolisms are still slow and they do not feed like they do when the water gets up to like 60 plus.

Anyway, stick with it, you'll love it. And, like I said, if you want to go I will take you out. I am probably busy this weekend as Emerald Downs opens up and my Father comes over for that weekend every year, but next week after work I will be out a couple times and then next weekend it is game on for me.

Let me know if you are interested.

Re: New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:51 am
by Amx
Welcome to the drug of Bass Fishing.

Be sure to come to the Bass Fishing Seminar at Limit Out next week on Wed the 24th at 7pm until 9pm. Give Russ a call for directions and such. There hasn't been a 'bad' seminar yet, they all have been helpfull, interesting, and fun too." onclick=";return false;

Re: New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:33 pm
by AaronW
Hey Ben,

Welcome to the website, we have a lot of great bass lakes in Washington to choose from. If you ever make it up to Whatcom County, I'll take you out on some of the great lakes up here. Good luck!


Re: New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:18 pm
Nice to meet you all! Thanks for the willingness to help me learn the sport. At this point, I've got a plan for the next few trips - if I fail miserably perhaps I'll take you guys up on the offer!

I can't make the seminar, already have something planned ](*,) but next time for sure!!!

And arniejl, it would be great to BS about elk hunting - and I promise not to take you hunting either :salut: :tongue: I also got a hanckcock permit :cheers:

Re: New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:30 am
by arniejl
LBES wrote:

And arniejl, it would be great to BS about elk hunting - and I promise not to take you hunting either :salut: :tongue:
Haha, that sounds fair!

Re: New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:12 pm
by 06Roush
Tapps is a great smallmouth fishery but like Arnie said...really tough fishing right now. Anyways, welcome to the site and I was in your shoes less than a year ago and now all I want to do is fish and fish some more!

Re: New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:52 pm
by Bustinbeats
As others have mentioned, early season Largemouth fishin' can be tough going , even if you have a lot of experience. Of course, every body of water is different, but in general, once the water warms up into the 50s , they really become more aggressive in their feeding . I'm up north in Sno.Co. , and haven't had much luck yet on the Largemouth Bass and Panfish, even though I've been taking a break from catching one trout after the other on my recent lake outings to concentrate on those species for at least an hour or two . A couple dinky bass and a perch or two is all I've been able to scratch up, and this from lakes that will be hoppin' here for both species, next month.

Smallmouth fisheries usually wake up earlier, since they are a fish that prefers cooler water to begin with. You'll see some nice lake reports here for Smallies in April , but take note that it's typically a specialized fishery that requires a bit more know-how and technique than simply chuckin' a plug or worm up into the shallows .

The warm weather which is forecast for Western Wa. during the coming week (!) is going to have Largemouths thinking about making babies.... and that always creates great opportunities for us fishermen.

Hang in there, Brother !

Re: New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:29 pm
06Roush wrote:Tapps is a great smallmouth fishery but like Arnie said...really tough fishing right now. Anyways, welcome to the site and I was in your shoes less than a year ago and now all I want to do is fish and fish some more!
Yeah I've been looking at the topo for that lake... It's definitely on the list for this year.

Re: New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 8:32 pm
by 253Caster
Im in Pierce County as well and this is my second successful year fishing for Bass. I know most of the spots to fish them in the area so shoot me a PM if you wanna link up sometime and do some fishing. :tongue:

Re: New Member - Bass Newbie

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 9:04 pm
by b.gagne22
Welcome, I have recently been reintroduced to bass fishing after a 10 year hiatus. I have since remembered what bothered me about it in the first place, I spend TOO MUCH MONEY on tackle! I love collecting soft plastics and end up never using %75 of them. Anyway I live in Puyallup and just fished Tapps for the first time a week ago, and had maybe the best day of fishing I can recall (13 in half a day). Other places to check out are Ohop, and Lake Sawyer. Send me a message if you need a fishing partner.