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Where do I post this?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:26 am
by arniejl
Fishing at day break , this morning. Was trying to cover some water quickly so was just throwing a crankbait. About the 5th or 6th cast caught a 1 pound smallie. As I went to lip him, he shook his head and guess what?

Yep, you guessed it.

Had to push the hook clear through and then cut the hook off.

At first I didn't know what to do. Had a fish in one hand and a hook in the other, lol. Seen another boat with three guys in it and asked them for help. They came over and unhooked my fish for me.

They asked me if I wanted help getting the hook out and with the thought of the embarrassment of them seeing me cry, I refused their services. In all honesty, it didn't really hurt too bad other than the ego bruise.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:32 am
by Amx
There is a way to pull the hook out using a length of mono/fishing line.

Loop the line around the hook bend

push down sideways on the hook shank so the barb/point is pushed sideways into the meat of you finger/hand, that's about the only time it will acually hurt, and sometimes a lot, depending where it is stuck in the hand, etc.

jerk on the fishing line and the hook will slide right out with the barb 'hiding' behind the hook wire.

There are videos on Youtube on doing this, I've done it twice now on myself.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:37 am
by Amx
you don't need to do all winding of the line that he does, but it shouldn't hurt to do so, I've not seen it wound around like that;


other vids; ... +in+finger

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:53 am
by The Quadfather
:-# OUCH! sorry to see that happen to you. But it did make for some nice pics, and a story you will remember. Hope it turned out OK.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:02 am
by BentRod
I hope that little scratch didn't cause you to stop fishing. :thumleft:

Seriously, ouch! Have never driven a hook past the barb...hope I never do. At least I know what to do (after I stop screaming and crying 8-[ ) when I do though. Thanks AMX.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:06 am
by Amx
A couple years ago I kept fishing for a couple hours with a hook imbedded between the fingers of my right hand at the webbing. I'm right handed, I cast and hold the rod with my right hand. Certainly no reason to quit fishing. [biggrin] That was before I knew about the fishing line trick.

First time I got hooked was in '88 at 05:30 in the dark one spring. In the right palm. Did the 'turn push out point' thing to cut off the barb, try doing that lefthanded when you're right handed.

Next 3 times was in '09. Did the line trick twice, did the 'jerk and give a heck' thing once. That was when the hook was caught on a rope on a dock, I reached up to hold onto the dock and another hook on the lure grabbed my thumb. So I was stuck. And the boat was pushing away from the dock, so to keep from falling in I jerked back and tore the hook out.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:25 am
by moto

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:35 am
by tnj8222
Ripping it out is brutal tom!! I had a hook in my hand when I was around five. Nothinh past a barb so far.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 3:10 am
by arniejl
I did keep fishing, in fact, I caught a 3.1 pound large mouth about an hour later. Those were the only two fish, though. I fished for 6 hours, my thumb never really bothered me and, honestly, it did not really hurt all that bad, not like you would think. I would say that the pain was like a 3 on a scale of 1-10.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 3:16 am
by arniejl
Jeez Tom, those videos were brutal. I think that if I have the option, again (not that I am looking forward to it), then I would push the hook through again, like I did. I don't think I could rip it out by myself.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 5:15 pm
by basser90
Dude, i feel your pain. I did the same thing down at Hood River last week. Put one of the trebles in the top of my index finger at the base of my fingernail past the barb because of a fiesty smally. I was on an adrenaline rush and freezing hands. grabbed my needle nose and before I could thing about it to much it jerked that sucker out. Blood went squirting and my boater just looked at me with big eyes. I would of had to push it threw had it been into more meat. Like I've had to do before. [scared]

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:22 pm
by Bigbass Dez
welcome to the "Hook up" Club !! Lol
I joined two years ago on lk roosevelt , painful day !! #-o

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:34 pm
Been fishing for some time and have never had that happen. Knock on wood. Did ya cut the barb off? I would have, don't need that hook there anyways just a weed and finger catcher.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:49 pm
by natetreat
It's happened to me several times, and not just in the finger. I got one in the shoulder before from my brother on his back cast, now that hurts. Were both in my small boat and it caught my shoulder and was jammed past the barb as he put enough movement into it that it made the drag squeel. I think it hurts more when it's not in your hand though, cuz it felt like a sonnofa@$%&. I've gotten it in my hand a couple times from thrashing fish I was trying to land without a net by grabbing them by the gills alone river fishing. Never saw the line trick, I always just pulled it through and crimped the barb or cut the hook with pliers. BUt I've never had the presence of mind to stop and get a picture :)

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:12 pm
by flinginpooh
Combat fishing on the skok. Not much room to cast so I was flipping my rod straight back and casting over my head. After a few hours I had ended up hooking my hat ripping it right off and into the river. I jerked back towards me and caught my hat and put it right back on like I ment to do it. But had to take it back off so I could unhook it. I was embarassed about it. But atleast it was my hat and not my head. I was tossing 1oz of lead that would have drove that hook into my head pretty good. Luckily Ive only got hooked in the finger a few times but never drove it in.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:23 pm
by Matt
Check out THIS hook, ouch!


RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:12 am
by tnj8222
flinginpooh wrote:Combat fishing on the skok. Not much room to cast so I was flipping my rod straight back and casting over my head. After a few hours I had ended up hooking my hat ripping it right off and into the river. I jerked back towards me and caught my hat and put it right back on like I ment to do it. But had to take it back off so I could unhook it. I was embarassed about it. But atleast it was my hat and not my head. I was tossing 1oz of lead that would have drove that hook into my head pretty good. Luckily Ive only got hooked in the finger a few times but never drove it in.
1oz of lead good ole skok jig haha.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 3:18 pm
by flinginpooh
Not when the water is almost to the road and its fast water your fishing 1oz ill just barely tick the bottom on certain holes.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 3:27 pm
by racfish
That just looks brutal. Im sorry. Its hella late probably but you should think about a Tetnus shot.

RE:Where do I post this?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 4:18 pm
by fullstringer98
when I was around seven we were fishing off a dock at ames lake and my mom looked my in the ear with her cast.[sad]