Hello All,
First off, this is a great website/resource. Actually found it by accident. Anyways I'm a new fisherman (about a month old now) and am eager to learn how to fish. I've been doing alot of reading and stuff, but most of the things I've read apply to general locations (and not Lake Washington). I live near Lake Washington and go there often, only because it's convienent. Any who, straight to the point.
I'm eager to lear how to bass fish and just wanted some tips. From my one month of fishing so far I've learned that fishing plastics are pretty fun (because it gives you something to do, ie. waiting for something to bite aka worm on a hook). I've used several plastic jerk baits, but have been only successful with one: a white grub.
Could any of you guys recomend good platic baits that work on Lake Washington bass and how do I fish them? Thanks, and this is a great community!!
Oh yeah, one more thing, what else works on Lake Washington bass??
New to the game.
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RE:New to the game.
Try using texas rigged weightless Senkos, usually darker colors like green pumpkin, black or brown. Also try tubes with a 1/4 to 3/8 oz weight.
RE:New to the game.
i agree, 3" and 4" skipped under docks are hard to beat. same with a dropshotted worm (GYCB 3.5" cut tail worm, sniper snub, 3" senkos, etc.). almost any bait that imitates a crawfish will catch fish, my favorites are KGM shot craws & GYCB baby fat craws. these can either be fished wightless, carolina rigged, or on a jig head.
RE:New to the game.
chuck spinnerbaits along riprap as well.
RE:New to the game.
Thanks for the info guys. As a newbie I wanted to aske one more question. Since I'm new to fishing, what are "tubes" and "sniper snubes"? Thanks again...
RE:New to the game.
Go to Sportco or Outdoor Emporium, they'll have what you need.